prostate cancer 327
hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) 112, 127, 136, 238–239,
301–302, 361
hormone therapy 136
horseshoe kidney 195–196
hot flashes 290,301, 361
HPV. Seehuman papillomavirus
HPV vaccine 258, 259
HRT. Seehormone replacement
H2 antagonist (blocker) medications
59, 59 t
human chorionic gonadotrophin
hormone (hCG) 246, 305
human epidural growth factor
receptor 2. See her-2 gene
human growth hormone (HGH)
supplement 131, 219
human leukocyte antigens (HLAs)
200, 203
human papillomavirus (HPV) 248,
256, 259, 340
hydrocele 290–291,345, 346
hydrocortisone 106, 107
hydronephrosis 195, 196, 230
hyperaldosteronism 109, 112,
136–137, 138
hypercalcemia 137,138, 154, 163,
hypercalciuria 196–197
hyperkalemia 137–138, 143
hypernatremia 138
hyperoxaluria 197
hyperparathyroidism 137,
138–139,151, 154, 163, 197
hyperprolactinemia 139, 144
acromegaly 105
aging, urinary system changes
that occur with 175, 176
aldosterone 111
Alport’s syndrome 177
antidepressant medications 361
eclampsia 271
glomerulonephritis 192
glomerulosclerosis 192
Goodpasture’s syndrome 193
hemolytic uremic syndrome
hepatorenal failure 195
hydronephrosis 196
hyperaldosteronism 137
kidney donor 200
kidneys 202
nephrectomy 207
nephritis 208
nephropathy 210
nephrotic syndrome 211
nephrotoxins 212
pheochromocytoma 154
polycystic kidney disease 214
preeclampsia 321
renal failure 218, 219
stress response hormonal
cascade 159
urinary system 173
hyperthyroidism 139–141
endocrine system 99
enuresis 187
euthyroid sick syndrome 127
goiter 129
Graves’ disease 129
mania 377
polyglandular deficiency
syndrome 156
thyroid storm 165
TSH 165
hypnosis 366, 370, 373, 376, 379,
hypocalcemia 141,143, 154, 163
hypochondriasis 376
hypoglycemia 141–142
hypogonadism 291
hypokalemia 138, 142–143
hyponatremia 143
hypoparathyroidism 139, 143, 143,
154, 163
hypopituitarism 139, 143–144,
144 t
hypospadias 197,262, 263
hypotension 42, 83, 106, 177
hypothalamic hormones 98, 144
hypothalamus 144–145, 145 t
ACTH 110
aging, endocrine changes that
occur with 110
androgens 113
cortisol 116
CRH 115
diabetes insipidus 122, 123
dopamine 124
endocrine system 98
estrogens 126
FSH 127
GH 131
GHRH 131
hyperprolactinemia 139
hyperthyroidism 139
hypoglycemia 142
inhibin 148
kidneys 202
LH 151
melatonin 151
menstrual cycle 303
oxytocin 152
pituitary gland 155
prolactin 157
T 4 166
TRH 166
TSH 164
T 3 166
urinary system 171
hypothyroidism 145–147
bipolar disorder 367
depression 371
endocrine system 99, 102
goiter 129
hyperprolactinemia 139
hyperthyroidism 141
hyponatremia 143
psychiatric disorders and
psychologic conditions 358
hysterectomy 274, 291–292
hysteroscopy 264, 292
IBD. Seeinflammatory bowel
IBS. Seeirritable bowel syndrome
ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm
injection) 246
identical multiples (fertilization)
IgA (immunoglobulin A) 210
IGFs (insulinlike growth factors)
ileoanal reservoir 32, 60
ileostomy 32, 60
ileum 60–61, 61 t
bowel atresia 20
cecum 21
colon 26
diverticular disease 35
gastrointestinal system 4
ileoanal reservoir 60
ileostomy 60
small intestine 89
immune response
appendix 15
bladder cancer 181
celiac disease 21
Cushing’s syndrome 117
diabetes 121
endometriosis 276
Graves’ disease 131
semen 337
short bowel syndrome 88
400 Index