Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

Sjögren’s syndrome 2:294–295
SLE 2:295–296
somatostatin 3: 159
thymectomy 2: 172
thymus 2:120–121, 172
TNFs 2: 297
urticaria 1: 206
vasculitis 2:299–302
vitiligo 1: 207
autologous donation. Seeblood
automated external defibrillator
(AED) 2:23, 27 ,47; 4:371, 372
autonomic nervous system 1:216,
277; 3:3, 82
autosomal dominant pattern 3:176,
autosomal recessive disorder 4:125,
137, 142–143
autosomal recessive pattern 3:176,
197, 214
autosomal trisomy 4:114, 119 , 122 ,
124 , 134 , 136 , 139
autosome 4:114, 118 , 119 , 127
AVM. Seearteriovenous
AV node. Seeatrioventricular node
avulsion 1:322; 4:361–362, 366 ,
avulsion fracture 1:301, 341
axial skeleton 1:293, 355
axon 1:216, 220, 270, 271, 283
Ayurveda 4: 52 , 59, 59 t, 91

babesiosis 2:311, 311 t
back pain 1: 302 , 306–307,
316–317, 326–327,333, 356, 365
baclofen (Lioresal) 1:102, 259, 360
bacteria 1:39; 2:311–312, 312 t,
antibiotic resistance 4: 150
drug 4: 154
food safety 4: 24
injecting drugs, risks of 4: 340
laser surgery 4: 265
preventive medicine 4: 3
radiation and biochemical
injuries 4: 386
recombinant DNA 4: 139
side effect 4: 171
vitamins and health 4: 207
bad breath. Seehalitosis
Baker’s cyst 1:307
balance 1:3–4, 33–35; 4:101, 211
balanitis 3:248

BALT. Seebronchus-associated
lymphoid tissue
barbiturates 4:323–324, 323 t
benzodiazepines 4: 324
depressants 4: 331
ethchlorvynol 4: 334
glutethimide 4: 336
hypnotics 4: 339
substance abuse 4: 312
withdrawal syndrome 4: 354
bariatric surgery 3:48, 86;
4:284–288, 285 t, 292 , 300 , 310
barium enema 3:17
barium swallow 3:17, 41
barotrauma 1:11, 48
Barrett’s esophagus 3:17–18, 37 ,
40 , 42 , 58
Bartholin’s cyst 3:248, 306 , 352
Bartholin’s gland 3:248, 353
basal cell carcinoma 1:130, 176,
196–197, 198t
basal ganglia 1:227, 231, 238, 241,
252, 256
basal metabolic rate (BMR) 4:193,
basophil 2:120, 138, 278
B-cell lymphocyte 2:251. See also
plasma cells
aging and immune response
2: 239
allergy 2: 243
antibody 2: 245
antibody-mediated immunity
2: 246
antigen 2:246–247
BALT 2: 251
bone marrow 2: 119
clusters of differentiation 2: 254
CVID 2: 255
Epstein-Barr virus 2:323–324
immune system 2:235, 236
immunization 2: 338
immunoglobulin 2: 275
lymphocyte 2: 151
lymphokines 2: 281
lymphoma 2: 152
MALT 2: 284
mononucleosis, infectious 2: 344
NALT 2: 287
Peyer’s patches 2: 289
T-cell lymphocyte 2: 296
Becker’s muscular dystrophy
1:337, 338t
bedsore. Seedecubitus ulcer
behavior modification therapy

anger and anger management
4: 241
childhood obesity 4: 292
conduct disorder 3: 369
conversion disorder 3: 369
cyclothymic disorder 3: 370
detoxification 4: 332
dysthymic disorder 3: 373
hypochondriasis 3: 376
mind-body interactions 4: 90
obesity 4: 300
OCD 3: 378
oppositional defiant disorder
3: 378
panic disorder 3: 379
phobia 3: 379
psychotherapy 3: 381
smoking cessation 4: 305
substance abuse 4: 313
substance abuse treatment
4: 351
trichotillomania 3: 386
weight loss and weight
management 4: 309
Bell’s palsy 1: 87 , 228–229
Benadryl. Seediphenhydramine
benign essential tumor 1:286, 288
benign paroxysmal positional
vertigo (BPPV) 1:11–12; 3: 164
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
3:248–249, 249 t
aging and urinary system
changes 3: 175
bladder 3: 178
cystoscopy 3: 185
erectile dysfunction 3: 280
hydronephrosis 3: 196
Kegel exercises 3: 199
medicinal herbs and botanicals
4: 83
prostate gland 3: 330
retrograde ejaculation 3: 336
saw palmetto 4: 98
urinary incontinence 3: 224
urinary urgency 3: 225
vesicoureteral reflux 3: 230
benign tumor. Seetumor,
benzodiazepines 1:16; 3:359–360;
alcoholic hallucinosis 4: 319
alcoholism 4: 320
delirium tremens 4: 330
dependence 4: 331
depressants 4:331, 332
flunitrazepam 4: 336

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