hypnotics 4: 339
prescription drug abuse 4: 349
substance abuse 4: 312
withdrawal syndrome 4: 354
beriberi 4:179–180, 205
berylliosis 2:183, 185, 192–193,
193 t,198, 219
beta blocker 1:289, 367, 368
arrhythmia 2: 18 t
atrial fibrillation 2: 23
hypertension 2: 67
LQTS 2: 74
medications to treat
cardiovascular disease 2:79,
80 t, 85 t
valvular heart disease 2: 114
bezoar 3:18
bilateral orchiectomy 3:307, 308
bilberry 4:60, 60 t, 83
bile 2:119, 143; 3:18
bile ducts 3: 18
cholestasis 3: 23
gallbladder 3: 46
gastrointestinal system 3:1, 3, 4
jaundice 3: 67
liver 3: 69
primary biliary cirrhosis 3: 84
primary sclerosing cholangitis
3: 84
bile acid sequestrants 2:81, 81t
bile ducts 3:18–19
bile 3: 18
biliary atresia 3: 19
cholestasis 3: 23
duodenum 3: 36
ERCP 3: 38
gastrointestinal system 3: 1
liver 3: 69
primary biliary cirrhosis 3: 84
primary sclerosing cholangitis
3: 84
biliary atresia 3:19, 84
bilirubin 3:19–20, 19 t, 23 , 67 , 73 ,
74 , 306
bioavailability 4:153, 158 , 172
bioequivalence 4:153, 158 , 172
biofeedback 1:365, 375; 4:60–61,
60 t
acupuncture 4: 57
anger and anger management
4: 241
cyclothymic disorder 3: 370
dysthymic disorder 3: 373
hypnosis 4: 78
IBS 3: 66
Kegel exercises 3: 199
magnet therapy 4: 81
panic disorder 3: 379
PMS 3: 325
sleep disorders 3: 384
somatization disorder 3: 385
visualization 4: 104
vulvodynia 3: 355
biological response modifier 2:148,
155, 160. See alsoimmunotherapy
biotechnology 4:112, 139
bioterrorism 2:310, 354
bipolar disorder 3:366–367, 366 t;
4: 99
cognitive therapy 3: 369
cyclothymic disorder 3: 370
depression 3: 372
ECT 3: 375
psychiatric disorders and
psychologic conditions 3:357,
psychosis 3: 381
suicidal ideation and suicide
3: 385
birth control pills. Seeoral
birth defects 2:19–20, 37, 64, 351,
357; 3:40, 323, 352; 4:9–12,
10 t–12t. See alsocongenital
acne medications 1: 132
congenital anomaly 4: 120
congenital hip dysplasia
FAS 4: 334
minoxidil and finasteride 1: 138
neural tube defects 4: 39
spina bifida 1:282–283
substance abuse 4: 313
talipes equinovarus 1:358
birthmark 1:139–141, 140 t, 203
bisphosphonates 1:346, 348
bites and stings 4:152, 381,
black cohosh 4:61, 61 t, 95
black eye 1:74; 4: 380
bladder 3:178–179, 178 t–179t
aging and urinary system
changes 3: 175
cystoscopy 3: 185
cystourethrogram 3: 185
nephritis 3: 207
retrograde ejaculation 3: 335
ureter 3: 221
urethra 3: 221
urinary system 3: 172
uterine fibroids 3: 349
UTI 3: 225
vesicoureteral reflux 3: 229
bladder cancer 3:179–182, 180 t,
181 t, 185 , 194 , 223 , 249
bladder capacity 3:175, 212
bladder catheterization 3:182, 222 ,
bladder exstrophy 3:182
bladder stones 3:196, 227, 229
blastocyst 4:140, 144
blastoma 2:368–369, 369 t
anesthesia 4: 261
bariatric surgery 4: 287
bloodless surgery 4:263–264
emergency and first aid 4: 361
gunshot wounds 4: 377
head and spinal cord injuries
4: 378
laser surgery 4: 265
motor vehicle accidents 4: 378
puncture wound 4: 366
symptom assessment and care
triage 4: 360
traumatic amputation 4: 380
wound care 4:280, 281
bleeding control 1:22; 4:362–363
avulsion 4: 362
body substance isolation 4: 358
gunshot wounds 4: 378
lacerations 4: 365
motor vehicle accidents 4: 379
multiple trauma 4: 379
open fracture 4: 366
symptom assessment and care
triage 4: 360
traumatic amputation 4: 380
blepharitis 1:74, 96 , 106
blepharoplasty 1:75, 210
blepharospasm 1:75
blind spot 1:117, 121. See alsooptic
blister 1:141,141–142, 154 , 159 ,
166 , 190 ,200; 4: 235
blister prevention 4:215–216
bloating. Seeabdominal distention
blood 1:323; 2:127. See alsoblood
and lymph
aging and changes in
blood/lymph 2:123–124
albumin 2: 124
anemia 2:124–126
antibody 2: 245
antitoxin 4: 151
antivenin 4: 152
blood and lymph 2: 118
Index 451