Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

blood type 2: 62 , 130–131, 131 t,
246, 318; 3:76, 187, 200, 203;
4:113, 263
blood vessels 1:127–128, 244,
373–374; 2:1, 4–5, 20, 34, 368;
4: 320
bloody nose. Seeepistaxis
blowing the nose 1:12–13, 36
blunt trauma 4: 49 , 377, 379
BMI. Seebody mass index
body dysmorphic disorder
3:367–368, 385
body fat 4:295, 297, 299
body fat percentage 4:288–289,
289 t
abdominal adiposity 4: 284
childhood obesity 4: 291
fitness level 4: 222
heat and cold injuries 4: 374
hGH supplement 4: 77
lean muscle mass 4: 297
metabolism 4: 226
nutritional assessment 4: 193
triceps skinfold 4: 307
waist to hip ratio 4: 308
body mass index (BMI) 2:43, 89,
89 t;4:289–290, 290 t
bariatric surgery 4: 284
body fat percentage 4: 289
childhood obesity 4: 291
fitness level 4: 222
health risk factors 4: 29
malnutrition 4: 186
nutritional assessment 4: 193
obesity 4: 299
obesity and health 4: 302
physical activity
recommendations 4: 229
waist circumference 4: 308
walking for fitness 4: 235
weight loss and weight
management 4: 309
body shape and cardiovascular
health 2:25
body substance isolation
4:357–358, 366 , 386
boil. Seefuruncle
bone 1:307–309, 309 t, 311 t
ankle injuries 1: 301
calcium and bone health
fracture 1:322–323
musculoskeletal system 1: 293
open fracture 4: 366
osteogenesis imperfecta

osteomalacia 1:343
osteomyelitis 1:343–344
osteopetrosis 1:344–345
Paget’s disease of the bone
skeleton 1:355
talipes equinovarus 1: 358
tendon 1: 359
vitamin and mineral therapy
4: 105
bone cancer 1:309–310
bone cell 1:298, 299
bone density 1:310–311, 313 ,
344–347; 3:154, 162, 303
aging and nutrition/dietary
changes 4: 176
aging and physical ability/fitness
4: 215
conditioning 4: 218
disability and exercise 4: 220
fitness: exercise and health
4: 211
physical activity
recommendations 4: 228
resistance exercise 4: 229
strength 4: 233
bone disease (osteogenesis
imperfecta) 1:342–343
bone marrow 1:308, 309, 344–345,
355; 2:131–132, 132 t;3:100, 112,
aging and changes in
blood/lymph 2: 123
anemia 2: 125
B-cell lymphocyte 2: 251
blood 2: 127
blood and lymph 2:118–119
blood doping 4: 324
chemotherapy 2: 377
CSFs 2: 254
EPO 2: 137
erythrocyte 2: 137
hematopoiesis 2: 140
immune system 2: 235
leukemia 2: 145
leukocyte 2: 148
leukopenia 2: 148
lymphocyte 2: 151
monocyte 2: 157
multiple myeloma 2: 157
myelodysplasia syndrome 2: 160
myelofibrosis 2:160, 161
platelet 2: 163
polycythemia vera 2: 164
reticulocyte 2: 165
stem cell 4: 140

thrombocythemia 2: 171
thrombocytopenia 2: 171
bone marrow donation 2:129, 130,
bone marrow transplantation
1:345; 2:133; 4: 141
anemia 2: 125
blood and lymph research and
treatment advances 2: 122
cancer treatment options and
decisions 2: 372
CSFs 2: 254
graft vs. host disease 2:263–265
immunoablation 2: 274
immunosuppressive therapy
2: 276
leukemia 2: 147
multiple myeloma 2: 159
myelofibrosis 2: 161
SCID 2: 294
sickle cell disease 2: 167
thalassemia 2: 169
bone spur 1:311, 356
borborygmus 3:20, 82
boswellia 4:61, 61 t
botulinum therapy 1:50, 75, 141,
165, 210, 289, 320
botulism 2:312–313,327; 4: 386
bovine spongiform encephalopathy
(BSE) 1:248; 2: 350
bowel atresia 3:20, 40 , 77
bowel movement 3:20
constipation 3: 32
diarrhea 3: 34
enema 3: 40
fiber and gastrointestinal health
3: 45
FOBT 3: 44
gastrointestinal system 3: 1
laxatives 3: 68
proctitis 3: 85
rectum 3: 87
bowel sounds 3:20, 20 , 61 , 82
Bowman’s capsule 3:169, 172, 193,
202, 209
BPH. Seebenign prostatic
bradycardia 2:17, 23, 93, 104
braille 1:75–76
brain 1:230–233, 231 t, 233 t
alcohol 4: 316
Alzheimer’s disease 1: 221
amphetamines 4: 321
analgesic medications 1:367,
aneurysm 2: 11

Index 453
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