body substance isolation 4: 357
bone marrow 2: 132
breathing 2: 193
cardiac output 2:29–30
cardiovascular system 2: 1
coronary arteries 2: 41
erythrocytes 2: 119
food allergies 2: 260
gammaglobulin 2: 263
hangover 4: 338
heart 2:4, 56
hemapheresis 2: 141
homocysteine 2:64
immune system 2: 235
injecting drugs, risks of 4: 340
oxygen-carbon dioxide
exchange 2: 216
oxygen saturation 2: 216
oxygen therapy 2: 217
phlebotomy 2: 162
plasma 2: 162
pleural effusion 2: 218
poisoning 4: 382
pulmonary embolism 2: 224
Raynaud’s syndrome 2: 101
septicemia 2:353
thalassemia 2: 169
thrombocytopenia 2: 171
triglyceride blood level 2:112
tumor markers 2: 395
vitamin K 2: 173
blood and lymph 2:118–174, 121 t
blood autodonation 2:128, 130;
bloodborne pathogens 4:340, 351
blood-brain barrier 1:229, 230,
272; 4:316, 323, 345, 353
blood circulation
alcohol 4: 316
alcohol interactions with
medications 4: 318
barbiturates 4: 323
blood doping 4: 324
buprenorphine 4: 325
cannabis 4: 327
carbohydrate loading 4: 217
cocaine 4: 328
disulfiram 4: 333
drugs 4: 147
efficacy 4: 158
NTI 4: 161
overdose 4: 166
route of administration
substance abuse 4: 313
therapeutic level 4: 172
trough level 4: 172
blood clots
anticoagulation therapy
2:13–16, 15 t
aspirin therapy 2:20–21
cardiac rehabilitation 2: 30
DVT 2: 47
medications to treat
cardiovascular disease
NSAIDs 2: 287
platelet aggregation 2: 163
pulmonary embolism 2: 224
thrombolytic therapy 2:110–111
TIA 2: 111
valvular heart disease 2: 114
blood donation 1:189; 2:127–129,
128 , 130 , 131 , 162
blood doping 4:324–325
bloodless surgery 4: 263 , 263–264,
bloodletting 2:122, 237
blood pressure 2:24–25, 24 t
ADH 3: 113
aerobic exercise 4: 214
aging and changes in
blood/lymph 2: 124
aging and physical ability/fitness
4: 215
aging and urinary system
changes 3: 175
aldosterone 3: 111
alkyl nitrites 4: 320
Alport’s syndrome 3: 177
anesthesia 4: 262
aneurysm 2: 10
antidepressant medications
3: 361
antihistamine medications
2: 248
barbiturates 4: 323
bites and stings 4: 381
breathing 2: 193
cardiovascular system 2: 4
circulation 2: 5
delirium tremens 4: 330
diet and cardiovascular health
2: 50
drowning 4: 368
frostbite 4: 375
glomerulonephritis 3: 191
hemophilia 2: 144
human relations 4: 238
hyperaldosteronism 3: 136
hypertension 2:66–67
hypotension 2:67–68
lifestyle and cardiovascular
health 2:72, 73
Lyme disease 2: 342
medications to treat
cardiovascular disease 2: 76
minerals and health 4: 187
nephrectomy 3: 206
nephritis 3: 208
obesity and cardiovascular
disease 2: 90
omega fatty acids and
cardiovascular health 2: 90
shock 4: 367
sleep disorders 3: 384
stroke 2:107, 108
tobacco 4: 353
urinary system 3: 171
valvular heart disease 2: 114
blood stem cells 2:129
blood and lymph research and
treatment advances 2: 122
bone marrow 2:118, 132
bone marrow transplantation
2: 133
cell structure and function
4: 115
graft vs. host disease 2: 265
leukemia 2: 145
myelofibrosis 2: 160
stem cell therapy 4: 141
blood tests 2:245, 248, 255, 285
alcoholism 4: 319
anabolic steroids and steroid
precursors 4: 322
delirium tremens 4: 330
half-life 4: 159
sobriety 4: 350
blood transfusion 2:129–130, 129 t,
130 t
anemia 2: 125
blood and lymph medical
traditions 2: 122
blood autodonation 4: 263
blood doping 4: 324
blood type 2: 130
bone marrow donation 2: 133
DIC 2: 137
hemapheresis 2: 141
HLAs 2: 267
leukemia 2: 147
myelodysplasia syndrome
2: 160
myelofibrosis 2: 160
plasma 2: 162
sickle cell disease 2: 166
thalassemia 2: 169
452 Index