Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

nevus 1:139, 141, 178–179, 197
nicotine 2:72, 93, 105, 230;
4:345–346, 345 t
drugs 4: 145
nicotine replacement 4: 297
smoking and health 4: 303
smoking cessation 4: 304
substance abuse 4: 311
tobacco 4: 353
tobacco use other than smoking
4: 306
nicotine replacement 4:297–298,
304 , 315 , 345 ,346, 354
night blindness 1:102, 114
NIH. SeeUS National Institutes of
nitrates 2:83, 85t
NK cell. Seenatural killer cell
nociceptor 1:381
acupuncture 1: 365
aging and changes in pain
perception 1: 364
neurogenic pain 1:380–381
pain and pain management
1:361, 362
phantom pain 1: 382
pruritus 1: 187
tension headache 1: 373
nocturia 3:212, 212 t, 224
nocturnal emission 3:306
nodule 1:63, 131 , 156 , 161 , 164 ,
noise exposure and hearing 1: 30 ,
36–37,45, 48
noncancerous tumor. Seetumor,
noncoding DNA 4:109, 116, 143
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 2:152,
nonimpact exercise 4:230, 231
nonself antigen 2:282, 296
nonself cells 2:235, 236, 246, 247,
267, 283
nonseminoma 3:343, 345
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) 2:286–287, 286 t
nonstriated muscle. Seesmooth
norepinephrine 3:152
adrenal glands 3:107, 108
aldosterone 3: 112
anger and anger management
antidepressant medications
3: 361
dopamine 3: 124

ECT 3: 375
endocrine system 3: 99
epinephrine 3: 126
metabolism 4: 225
nicotine 4:345–346
pheochromocytoma 3: 154
tobacco 4: 353
yohimbe 4: 107
normal flora 2:346–347; 4: 150
antibiotic medications 2: 308
bacteria 2: 311
botulism 2: 312
candidiasis 2:314–315
E. coliinfection 2: 324
fungus 2: 327
GALT 2: 265
pneumococcal pneumonia
2: 349
nose 1: 4 , 37–38; 2:197, 346; 4: 339
blowing of 1:12–13
blowing the nose 1:12–13
broken nose 1:13
cluster headache 1: 374
epistaxis 1:22
foreign objects in 1:24
functions of 1: 4
nasal polyp 1:36
postnasal drip 1:45
rhinoplasty 1:47
rhinorrhea 1:47
septal deviation 1:49
septal perforation 1:49–50
sinuses 1: 51
sneeze 1:54
nose-associated lymphoid tissue
(NALT) 2: 284 , 287–288
nosocomial infections 2:215, 222,
347; 4:41, 147, 151, 260, 281
NSAIDs. Seenonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs
NTI. Seenarrow therapeutic index
nucleic acid 2:361, 362; 4:111, 187
nucleotide 4:109, 127, 135
nursing. Seebreastfeeding
nutrient density 4: 185 , 190,300,
nutrients 2:49, 280, 378, 382;
4:190–193, 191 t, 192 t
bariatric surgery 4: 286
dieting 4: 293
genetic predisposition 4: 130
metabolism 4: 225
nutrient density 4: 190
nutritional needs 4: 194
nutrition and diet 4: 175
sports drinks and foods 4: 231

nutrition 2:201, 207
aging and gastrointestinal
changes 3: 10
breastfeeding 3: 254
fiber and gastrointestinal health
3: 45
gastrectomy 3: 48
gastrointestinal system 3: 1
IBD 3: 64
ileum 3: 61
malabsorption 3: 77
pancreatitis 3: 81
sexual health 3: 339
short bowel syndrome 3: 88
substance abuse treatment
4: 351
training 4: 233
triceps skinfold 4: 307
upper arm circumference 4: 307
nutritional deficiency 1:309; 3:21,
77; 4:104–105, 177, 180, 186,
194, 194 t
nutritional needs 4:93, 176,
194–196, 195 t,198, 295, 309
nutritional supplements 1:366;
3:35, 92; 4:196–197
antioxidant 4: 177
enteral nutrition 4: 182
malnutrition 4: 186
metabolism 4: 226
nutritional therapy 4: 93
substances 4: 348
starvation 4: 202
nutritional therapy 4:92–93, 92 t,
100 , 177
nutrition and diet 4:174–175,
nystagmus 1:12, 62, 102, 102 t

obesity 1:39, 301; 4:299–300, 300 t
abdominal distention 3: 8
aging and nutrition/dietary
changes 4: 176
amphetamines 4: 321
BMI 4: 289
CAD 2: 45
CVD 2: 34
food cravings 4: 295
lifestyle variables: smoking and
obesity 4: 283
malnutrition 4: 185
nutritional therapy 4: 92
pulmonary embolism 2: 225
renal cancer 3: 216

492 Index

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