Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

chondroitin 4: 64
flexibility 4: 224
glucosamine 4: 72
gout 1:323–324
joint replacement 1: 328
musculoskeletal system 1: 295
obesity and health 4: 301
OTC drug 4: 167
SAMe 4: 97
spinal stenosis 1: 356
temporomandibular disorders
1: 359
osteoblast 1:293, 307, 308
osteocyte 1:293, 307, 308
osteogenesis imperfecta 1:342–343
osteoid 1:309, 343
osteomalacia 1: 315 , 343; 4:176, 200
osteomyelitis 1:343–344, 345
osteopathic manipulative treatment
(OMT) 4: 64 , 93, 93
osteopathy 4: 52 , 93, 93
osteopenia 1: 310 , 344
osteopetrosis 1:344–345
osteophyte. Seebone spur
osteoporosis 1:345–347, 346 t;
2:173, 257; 3:115, 139, 143, 153,
219, 243
aging and nutrition/dietary
changes 4: 176
ankle injuries 1: 302
bone density 1: 310
calcium and bone health 1: 313
hGH supplement 4: 77
osteopenia 1: 344
resistance exercise 4: 229
scoliosis 1: 354
otitis 1:3, 8, 40,41, 58
otitis externa (swimmer’s ear) 1:21,
otitis media 1:40; 2:294, 343, 349;
4: 150
achondroplasia 1: 298
eustachian tube 1: 23
mastoiditis 1: 33
myringitis 1: 35
myringotomy 1: 35
ruptured eardrum 1: 48
sinusitis 1: 52
traditions in medical history
tympanic membrane 1: 59
otoconia 1:11, 12
otoplasty 1: 14 , 41
otorrhea 1:41
otosclerosis 1:9, 29, 41
otoscopy 1:41, 43

ototoxicity 1: 42 t, 43
outdated drug 4:164
ova (eggs) 3:233, 246, 281, 309,
313, 337, 356; 4:127, 134, 144
ovarian cancer 2:364, 369, 372,
373, 381; 3:309–312, 311 t, 312 t,
ovarian cyst 3:312–313
ovaries 3:313–314, 314 t
aging and endocrine changes
3: 111
amenorrhea 3: 243
androgens 3: 113
endocrine system 3: 100
endometriosis 3: 276
estrogens 3: 126
FSH 3: 127
menstrual cycle 3: 304
oophorectomy 3: 307
ovarian cancer 3: 309
ovarian cyst 3: 312
PCOS 3: 320
POF 3: 323
progesterone 3: 156
relaxin 3: 158
reproductive system 3: 233
testosterone 3: 160
tubal ligation 3: 347
overactive bladder 3:212, 225
overdose 1:368, 384; 4:164–166,
165 t
aging and drug metabolism/drug
response 4: 149
buprenorphine 4: 325
designer drugs 4: 332
dose 4: 154
drugs 4: 147
ethchlorvynol 4: 334
fentanyl 4: 334
glutethimide 4: 336
half-life 4: 159
heroin 4: 339
ingested toxins 4: 384
injected toxins 4: 385
methamphetamine 4: 342
minerals and health 4: 187
narcotics 4: 345
OTC drug 4: 167
PCA 4: 274
poison prevention 4: 42
overeating 4:178, 295, 299
over-the-counter (OTC) drug
3:362, 363; 4:166–167
accidental injuries 4: 5
adverse drug reaction

alcohol interactions with
medications 4: 319
caffeine 4: 326
dextromethorphan 4: 332
drug interaction 4: 154
drugs 4: 146
generic drug 4: 158
heroin 4: 338
Orange Book, The4: 163
overdose 4: 164
weight loss and weight
management 4: 309
ovulation 3:314
aging and reproductive/sexual
changes 3: 243
amenorrhea 3: 243
chorionic gonadotropin 3: 115
conception 3: 264
fertility 3: 282
infertility 3: 293
inhibin 3: 148
mittelschmerz 3: 305
ova 3: 309
ovaries 3: 313
sexual intercourse 3: 339
oxidation 4:131, 177
oxybutynin (Ditropan) 3:188, 224,
oxycodone 1:363; 4:311, 330
aerobic capacity 4: 213
aging and changes in
blood/lymph 2: 123
blood 2: 118
blood doping 4: 324
blood vessels 2: 5
cardiac capacity 2: 27
cardiopulmonary bypass 2: 33
cardiovascular system 2: 6
drowning 4: 368
erythrocytes 2: 119
heart 2:4, 56
heart attack 2: 57
lymph 2: 120
MET 4: 225
myocardial infarction 2: 86
myocardium 2: 88
physical exercise and
cardiovascular health 2: 97
smoking and cardiovascular
disease 2: 105
smoking and health 4: 304
stroke 2: 107
substance abuse 4: 313
tachypnea 2: 232
TMLR 2: 112

494 Index

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