Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

Propecia (finasteride) 137
Propionibacterium acne
proprioception 294, 340, 350–351
prostaglandins 363, 366, 367, 373,
prosthetic eye 69, 88, 109–110
prosthetic limb 351
protective eyewear 121–122
protein clumping 77
prurigo 186–187
pruritus 187–188, 187 t
PSE (Pidgin Signed English) 51
pseudofolliculitis barbae 167, 188
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA)
phototherapy 184, 187, 207
psoriasis 188–190, 189 t, 190 t
psychogenic pain 383
pterygium 110
PTK (phototherapeutic
keratectomy) 108
ptosis 110
puberty 131, 134, 164
pubic pediculosis 182
pulp (of tooth) 294, 358
pulsed electromagnetic therapy
pupil 100
pure-tone bone-conduction
audiometry 9
pure-toned audiometry 9
purines 324
purpura 190, 190 t
pustular psoriasis 189
pustule 158, 190
PUVA. Seepsoralen plus ultraviolet
A phototherapy
PVD. Seeperipheral vascular disease

quality of life
amputation 300–301
chronic fatigue syndrome
deep brain stimulation 250
joint replacement 329
living with pain 378
maldynia 379
occupational therapy 341
organic brain syndrome 273
persistent vegetative state 277
physical therapy 349
prosthetic limb 351
smell and taste disturbances 52
vision impairment 123

radiation therapy 169, 237, 309,
radiculopathy 326
rapid eye movement (REM) 267
rash 191, 191 t
impetigo 166
lichen planus 173
lichen simplex chronicus
photosensitivity 183–184
pityriasis rosea 186
scabies 194
RAS (reticular-activating system)
razor rash. Seepseudofolliculitis
reactive arthritis 352
rebound headache 374–375, 376t
rebound rhinorrhea 47
reconstructive surgery. Seeplastic
rectum 367
red/green deficiency 80
reduction (fracture treatment) 323
reflex 279
Achilles tendon 297
concussion 245
cough 18–19
gag reflex 25
goose bumps 160–161
pain 382
pruritus 187
sciatica 354
sneeze 54
reflex sympathetic dystrophy 371
refraction test 111, 118
refractive errors 67, 99, 111, 111
refractive surgery 96, 101, 111–113
Reiter’s syndrome 352
relaxation techniques 375, 377
remodeling 316
REM (rapid eye movement) 267
Renaissance 295
renal failure 368
renal toxicity 368
repetitive motion injuries 352–353
bone spur 311
bursitis 312
carpal tunnel syndrome 315–316
knee injuries 330
plantar fasciitis 349–350
rotator cuff impingement
syndrome 353
tendonitis 359–360
reproductive system 236–237

resistance exercise 310, 332, 344,
restless legs syndrome 279
reticular-activating system (RAS)
retina 113, 113 t
albinism 135
ARMD 70–71
electroretinography 87
eye 89
flashes 91
optical coherence tomography
(OCT) 105
retinitis pigmentosa 114
retinopathy 114–115
scotoma 117
retinal detachment 79, 91,
113–114, 124
retinal ganglia cells 92
Retin-A (tretinoin) 145
retinitis pigmentosa 114
retinoblastoma 114, 118
retinopathy 71, 87, 114, 114–115
retrobulbar optic neuritis 115–116,
263, 269
Reye’s syndrome 59, 279–280
rhabdomyoma 353
rheumatoid arthritis 117, 328, 354,
357, 370–371
rhinitis, seasonal 52
rhinoplasty 47
rhinorrhea 5, 41, 45, 47
rhizotomy 241, 268, 280
rhytidoplasty 191–192, 210
RICE (rest, ice, compression, and
elevation) 353
acute pain 363
ankle injuries 301
eudynia 372
sprains and strains 355, 356
tendonitis 359
rickets 315
ringworm. Seetinea
rivastigmine (Exelon) 222
rods 91, 113, 114
Rogaine (minoxidil) 137
root canal 44
rosacea 74, 79, 192–193, 192 t
rotator cuff impingement syndrome
275, 353
rubella 30, 238
running 297
ruptured eardrum 41, 47–48, 59

saccule 11

410 Index

131, 132

180, 181 t
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