Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

overview 361–362
traditions in medical history
pain perception 378
palatal myoclonus 266
palate 16
pallidotomy 274
Papaver somniferum
papillae 4, 26
papilledema 107, 115
papillitis 107, 269
papilloma 180
papule 180,181, 186, 194
paralysis 274–275
Bell’s palsy 228–229
Guillain-Barré syndrome 255
poliomyelitis 277, 278
spina bifida 282
spinal cord injury 283
vocal cord paralysis 63
paralytic poliomyelitis 277
paranasal sinuses 51
paraneoplastic pemphigus 182, 183
parasite 180–182, 194
parasympathetic nervous system
parathyroid hormone 307–308, 346
paresthesia 269, 275, 318
parietal lobe 231t
Parkinson’s disease 275–276
aphasia 225
benign essential tumor vs. 288
deep brain stimulation 250
dyskinesia 252
ectropion 87
integumentary system 127
memory and memory
impairment 262
midbrain 232
nervous system 217–219
neurotransmitter 272
pallidotomy 274
proprioception 350–351
seborrheic dermatitis 151
smell and taste disturbances 53
swallowing disorders 56
thalamotomy 286
paronychia 180, 181 t. See also
Patau’s syndrome 350
patella 330
patellofemoral syndrome 348–349
pathologic paresthesia 275
pathologic vertigo 61
patient controlled analgesia (PCA)
367, 384

Pavlik harness 319
PCA. Seepatient controlled analgesia
pediculosis 180–182
Pediculus humanus capitis

Pediculus pubis
pelvis 309
pemphigus 182–183
pemphigus foliaceus 182
pemphigus vulgaris 182, 183
peptic ulcer disease 42t
Pepto Bismol (bismuth
subsalicylate) 280
periodontal disease 25, 44
periosteum 308
peripheral nerves 276,364, 365
peripheral nervous system 215,
246–247, 276–277,284, 361
peripheral neurotransmitters
analgesic medications 367
CMT disease 317
Guillain-Barré syndrome 255
neuropathy 270–271
proprioception 350
restless legs syndrome 279
spinal nerves 284
peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
143, 275
peripheral vision 92–93
peritonsillar abscess 44
permanent teeth 294, 358
permethrin (Nix) 181
persistent vegetative state 244, 277
pertussis 6
petechiae 183
phacoemulsification 78
phakic intraocular contact lens
implantation 112
phalanges 308–309
phantom pain 382–383
pharyngitis 5, 22, 45, 45
pharynx 45, 57
phenol peel 144–145
pheomelanin 175
photic sneezing 54
photocoagulation 71
photodynamic therapy 71
photophobia 95, 100, 107–108,
photoreactive keratectomy (PRK)
photosensitivity 183–184, 193
phototherapeutic keratectomy
(PTK) 108, 108 t
phototherapy 184
physical therapy 349

pia mater 262
Pidgin Signed English (PSE) 51
piercings 14, 39, 184–185
pigment birthmark 139
pilomotor reflex 160–161
pilonidal disease 185–186
pimple 131
pineal gland 65, 229
pinguecula 108
pituitary gland 175, 229
pityriasis rosea 186
plantar fasciitis 349–350
plaque, skin 173–174, 186, 189
plaque psoriasis 189
plasmapheresis 205
plastic surgery 41, 47, 75
platelet deficiency 190
poliomyelitis 277–278
polydactyly 350
polymyositis 350
polyp 36, 133
polyps 63
pons 232
Ponseti casting method 358
poptosis. Seeexophthalmos
port wine stain 139
posterior ampullar neurectomy 12
posterior canal plugging 12
postnasal drip 45,51, 374
postpolio syndrome 278
precancerous conditions 32,
133–134, 180
Bell’s palsy 229
cerebral palsy 238
chloasma 145
migraine headache 374
nervous system 217
stretch marks 200
talipes equinovarus 358
premature birth 115, 118
premature sleep paralysis 267
premolar 294
prenatal care 16, 241, 258,
282–283, 355
prenatal nervous system 220
presbycusis 8–9, 29, 45–46, 58
presbyopia 83, 108–109, 112
pressure sore. Seedecubitus ulcer
primary cancer 309
primary teeth 358
primary tumor 235
prion 248, 249
PRK (photoreactive keratectomy)

Index 409



Pediculus humanus corporis181, 182

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