How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1
Anderson, Carl, 135–36
Annals of Mathematics, 32 
antielectron, see positron
Antoinette, Marie, 81
Apple II computer, 126
approximate solutions, 82, 149–50, 168,
178, 179, 240 – 41
Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 244
Archimedes, xiii, xiv, 71, 72
Archytas, 69, 75
Arens, Richard, 43
arithmetic, 68
consistency of arithmetic axioms,
119 –22, 123 –24
fundamental theorem of, 42
transfinite, 19
Arrow, Kenneth, xv, xvii, 214–15, 
Arrow’s theorem, xv–xvi, xvii, 9,
214–20, 245
conditions of, 215–16, 217–19
future of, 219–20
present state of, 217–19
Ars Magna (Cardano), 88
Arvanitakis, Alekos, 239
ASCII, 174
Asimov, Isaac, 242–43
Aspect, Alain, 62
associative law, 90, 91, 92
astigmatism, 47
astrology, 87
astronomy, 30
Athens, plague in, 68–69
atomic bomb, 142
atomic theory, 134
Australia, rank-order voting in,
209, 211
automobile repairs, scheduling
of, 3–7
axiom of choice, 21–23, 24

Babbage, Charles, 246
Babylonians, solution of quadratic 
equations by, 83
back-room voting, see insincere voting
Bacon, Francis, 19
Bade, William, x, 122
baker’s transformation, 177–78, 178
Balinski, Michel, 233
Balinski-Young theorem, 233–34, 235
Banach algebras, 37
Banach-Tarski paradox, 23
Banzhaf Power Index (BPI), 206–7
base-2 number system, see binary
(base-2) number system
base-10 number system, see decimal
(base-10) number system
basic objects, 102
beam splitters, 50 –51
Beane, Billy, 8
Beethoven, Ludwig von, 85, 245
Bell, John, 61–62
Bell’s theorem, 61–62
Beltrami, Eugenio, 112
Bernoulli, Johann, 106
Berra, Yogi, 158
Bessel, William, 97
Bessel functions, 97
beta decay, 148
big bang theory, 36, 38, 245
bill paying, 158
binary (base-2) number system, 172–73
normal number in base 2, 173, 175,
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, 
Birkhoff, Garrett, 246
Bismarck, Otto von, 223, 225
blackbody, 44
black holes, 143, 196–97

250 Index

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