Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number:8017-89-8 (amyl nitrite); 542-56-3
(isobutyl nitrite)
Formal Names:Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite, Cyclohexyl Nitrite, Isoamyl Nitrite,
Isobutyl Nitrite, Nitrous Acid
Informal Names:Aimes, Aimies, Ames, Amys, Army, Aroma of Men, Blackjack,
Blue Heaven, Bolt, Boppers, Buds, Bullet, Buzz Bomb, Climax, Dixcorama,
Hardware, Heart-On, High Ball, Liquid Gold, Liquid Incense, Locker Room,
Man Aroma, Oz, Ozone, Pearls, Poppers, Quicksilver, Ram, Rush, Snappers,
Thrust, Whiteout
Type:Inhalant.Seepage 26
Federal Schedule Listing:Unlisted, but may be in state schedules
USA Availability:Prescription for some formats; nonprescription for others
Pregnancy Category:X (amyl nitrite, also called isoamyl nitrite)
Uses.Various chemical subvarieties of nitrite inhalants exist. Isobutyl nitrite
is popular in some teenager circles and has been called “the cocaine of poor
people.” Although anyone is physically free to use any drug, authorities find
that nitrite sniffing has particular appeal to male homosexuals, especially dur-
ing sexual activity. Aphrodisiac qualities are claimed for the substance. Amyl
nitrite sniffers report euphoria and muscle relaxation. Isobutyl nitrite users
report losing their sense of who they are and also becoming calm or, in con-
trast, becoming prone to wild conduct—differences that may illustrate the
impact that someone’s personality and surroundings have on drug experi-
ences. Regardless of exact content of a nitrite experience, sensations are brief.
Some persons have confused nitrites with nitrates; they have a similar spelling
but are different substances.
Drawbacks.Nitrite inhalants have brief action but may incapacitate a per-
son during that time and thus should not be used while engaged in dangerous
activity such as driving a car. Unwanted actions of nitrites include feelings of
falling and spinning, headache, facial flushing, rapid heartbeat, generalized
throbbing feelings, and low blood pressure (low enough to make a person
faint). Less common are nausea, vomiting, agitation, sweating, loss of energy
and strength, and loss of bladder and rectal control. In mice experiments in-
volving single and multiple exposures, inhaling isobutyl nitrite can cause ane-