
(nextflipdebug5) #1

“The Kundalini creates the universe out of Her own being, and it is She Herself
who becomes this universe. She becomes all the elements of the universe and
enters into all the different forms that we see around us. She becomes the sun, the
moon, the stars and fire to illuminate the cosmos which She creates. She becomes
the prana, the vital force, to keep all creatures, including humans and birds,
alive; it is She who, to quench our thirst, becomes water. To satisfy our hunger,
She becomes food. Whatever we see or don’t see, whatever exists, right from the
earth to the sky is...nothing but Kundalini. It is that supreme energy which moves
and animates all creatures, from the elephant to the tiniest ant. She enters each
and every creature and thing that She creates, yet never loses Her identity or Her
immaculate purity.” Swami Muktananda, Kundalini: The Secret of Life.
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