
(nextflipdebug5) #1


The average American consumes only 40% of the recommended daily allowance
of magnesium, thus apparently 90-95% of the population is magnesium deficient.
Because of the processing and refining of foods and insufficient remineralization
of soils magnesium deficiency is becoming common. Cancer rates increase in areas
where food grows on less favorable soil, lacking in magnesium. RDA for Calcium
over 18 years is 800mg-1500mg and for Magnesium is 300-400mg. Magnesium
is an essential mineral that activates over 300 different biochemical reactions. The
chief function of magnesium is to activate certain enzymes, especially those related
to carbohydrate metabolism. Another role is to maintain the electrical potential
across nerve and muscle membranes. It is essential for proper heartbeat and nerve
Magnesium is required to regulate calcium, potassium or sodium. Calcium
needs magnesium in order to assimilate into the body. However, when too much
calcium is consumed, it will pull magnesium out of the body parts in order to
assimilate. If the level of magnesium is not maintained the excess calcium may
become a toxin, resulting in arthritic calcium deposits on joints. Magnesium is
a natural calcium channel blocker to protect the body from getting too much
calcium. Magnesium does not build up in the body but the excess is eliminated
while excess calcium builds up. Taking equal amounts of magnesium supplement
as calcium has been used to slowly remove arthritic deposits and bone spurs. Spurs
form at joints in calcium deficient conditions. When the calcium is being leached,
it forms an eruption. This eruption is the bone spur. By allowing elimination of
uric acid, ammonia and acid toxins, and relaxing muscles Magnesium is a major
pain relief mineral. Magnesium increases the solubility of calcium, phosphate and
possibly oxalate thereby helping to prevent and eliminate stones in the body.
This mineral imbalance of excess calcium and a deficiency of magnesium in
the cell is a sign of aging and degenerative disease. A British researcher found that
80% of fatigue patients lack magnesium. Fatigue can lead to a cycle of addiction
to addictive stimulants in an attempt to gain more energy. You need to ingest
levels above the government’s recommended daily intake 400mgs of water-soluble
magnesium a day or energy production is inhibited, resulting in fatigue and
weakness. Magnesium is essential to regulating potassium levels and functioning
of the adrenal glands, which are both important to maintaining high energy levels.
An energy crisis in the cell through the lack of ATP generation occurs in the
presence of excess glucocorticoids, prostaglandins and cytosolic calcium, cAMP.
Permeability of the cell wall due to the membrane hardening effect of oxidation
reduces the assimilation of nutrients, and wastes are not as easily excreted. Then
cells no longer function or communicate well with other cells and cell-systems.
Aging is associated with cellular dehydration causing a disintegration of the cell
framework. Remember 60% of cell water is bound to molecules within the cell
forming the cell structure and integrity. Dehydration creates increased cytosolic
calcium turnover for cation regulation. Since the active transport of cations

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