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pictures, even feelings in a way are symbols...symbols of meaning we use to try
and discern a reality. Consciousness presents (communicates) itself in symbols—
whether pictures, words or sounds. Prior to the symbol there is just pure awareness
itself. Witnessing is the ability to be attentive to pure awareness, while watching
the stream of symbols float by.
I don’t think the archetypal matrix can be risen above, that is made conscious,
without successive shamanistic death/rebirth, major crisis, drug perturbation and
various other forms of awakening that most people strenuously avoid. We have
spent so much time and energy in the development of our reality framework that
most of us cannot get outside of the prison of the archetypal matrix without a
serious degree of suffering. Thus in default mode we tend to unconsciously play
out preprogrammed patterns largely in response to our parents and society. But
without becoming self aware, how can we be Self determined?
At the beginning of the alchemy the prima material is chaotic, whereas at the
end the lapis is perfect. Our mind must transform that which we are into the
celestrial quintessence of spirit. The Divine Spark is found only by descending
into the abyss of the unconscious. The judgment of the Void or choronzon
must be faced for the past level of consciousness to transcended, for unless there is
dissolution, there is no growth period. There is only tack ons or an accumulation
of conditioning with little integration or depth. Which might be more cunning
and successful in the world, but that is not spiritual evolution, it is merely worldly
adaptation. Those who have experienced the dramatic forms of dissolution are
at a distinct advantage, in that they no longer fear anything the world can throw
at them, and they no longer project their own demons on others. As such Dark
Night events are the primary means of disengaging from the Archetypal Matrix of
the mind.
“On the brink of mystery, the spirit of man is seized with giddiness. Mystery is the
abyss which ceaselessly attracts our unquiet curiosity by the terror of its depth.” Eliphas
Levi, The Key of the Mysteries
Unless a psychotherapist or shaman has been on the journey to the void and
back and has detached from the mythic mind, they will not be able to help you
navigate your own maze, but instead will tend to “reinforce” your story. I suspect
that only someone who has had a kundalini awakening, and has been on the
death-rebirth/heaven-hell journey, and has succeeded in pulling their witnessing-
eye beyond the symbolic nature of the mind, can really help another through
this Self-birthing process. I think the greatest benefit can be derived not from
dismissal, clinical appraisal or materialistic interpretation, but by working-with the
psycho-dramatic contents toward the successful completion and resolution of that
particular chapter in the life-story of the individual.
Meaning is interpretation of Maya (experience). All Maya and meaning is
contrived, constructed and construed. No matter how orthodox, or stamped with a
badge of authentication, no matter what the credentials...Maya, our psychosphere
is always contrived, constructed and construed. Remembering this is hard unless
one had a history of experiences like a rapid succession of progressively lucid

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