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dreaming, successive radical state changes during a kundalini awakening, or sharp
perturbation in consciousness through drugs or shock. Ultimately we give up trying
to painfully pin truth down and accept the infinite depths of Mayas deception and
mystery. The Real is so much larger than any truth. Only the rational mind that
wants to possess knowledge or truth as through it were a material object cannot see
the vaster sea of infinite consciousness beyond. Truth is changing by the second
depending on the information, mood, and circumstance.
By remaining embedded in the archetypal matrix without an objective view of
the way we are using our mind, we can easily generate a neurotoxic belief system
by pathologizing our kundalini. The uninformed may interpret the symptoms of
kundalini through a mythological, archaic lens and think that their emerging spirit
is an invading alien, walk-in, demon, animal, angel, God, spirit, Guru or spirit-
lover. Then on already pathologizing or inflating their process, they may go to a
shaman or exorcist to be “healed” of their own emerging spirit. The outcome of such
an attempt is determined by the intermingling of belief systems and the balance of
love vs. fear that is generated. But since neither is privy to what is really going on,
that it is actually kundalini and not some foreign entity, the enormous learning
curved needed to navigate kundalini with skill and illumination is aborted. Because
of the neurotoxic effect of fearful medieval and primitive belief systems, there is
grave collective danger in carrying on these mythic interpretations of spirit into a
so-called enlightened age. As long as these damaging thought systems exist, there
can be no actual enlightenment, because we are physically destroying the hardware
of consciousness (the Heart and brain) with our figments and phantoms.
Until we fully enter the Abyss we remain a mere conditioned being who cannot
“penetrate” the veil of Maya and its matrix of symbols. But once the false safety of
consensus trance is penetrated you cannot go back to the humdrum of the crowd
without sacrificing your spiritual self. With vision, intention and a priori state
generation we elevate ourselves beyond the mere reactivity of the socialized being.
Thus through sympathetic resonance we gain the power of absolute faith to effect
change. However, a faith that stems from the deepest source within, must first be
subjected to absolute “doubt” in order to be truly our own. But this absolute doubt
is not a clever nihilistic intellectual argument; it is a biochemical cataclysm of our
former brain set-point and worldview. This alchemical severance with our past
operating mode is what allows a new and more authentic consciousness to emerge.
The Abyss is only painful to the degree that we strenuously try to hold onto our
former condition.
I am concerned that many people are popping within a mythological
interpretation without even knowing that it is kundalini they are experiencing. I
met a young girl who was looking for a shaman to cure her of a watery alien walk-
in spirit. I told her it was kundalini—it was HER spirit that was incarnating and
that she was causing herself secondary psychosomatic damage and escalating her
suffering by adopting a pathological interpretation of what is a “natural” process. It
is absolutely amazing to me that we still live in such a dark and ignorant age, where
our own evolution is so blindly misunderstood. Maturity is the faith to doubt our

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