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reality and so spontaneously grow an ever new reality. As Jacques Derrida says,
“In order to authentic, one’s belief in God must be subjected to absolute doubt.” Thus
we grow a core self and self-esteem that is not based on idealism and fear, but
generated from a union with truth itself. The word “Satnam” means that “God’s
Name is Truth. Shaping our fate is a constant battle with determinism. Our only
chance to liberate ourselves exists in the penetrating the truth of our present reality,
recognizing it, taking action, struggling to attain.
You can get to the heart of your archetypal matrix (life-story) and your stance
in the world by figuring out what your primary desire and primary aversion is.
Your entire experience, both internal and external, will be a reflection of these two
opposing aspects. Once these are brought to the forefront of the mind, you can
then learn to befriend them, stop resisting them and creating more playful space
and a laissez faire attitude around them. Also be aware that we tend to turn into
that which we resist, so you will have to accept and love through that hardness
in you that has developed around your primary desire and aversion. Through
emerging from embeddeness in ones archetypal matrix, the dream of our waking
life and the waking of our dream life are revealed.

Trials of the Visionary Mind: Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process; by
John Weir Perry

The Living Labyrinth: Exploring Universal Themes in Myths, Dreams, and the
Symbolism of Waking Life, Jeremy Taylor

Also Volume 5 of Carl Jung’s Collected Works: Symbols of Transformation.

The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience, by Ralph Metzner

The Myth of Meaning in the Work of C.G. Jung by Aniela Jaffe

Ego And Archetype by Edward F. Edinger —Pantheon:Archetypal Patterns in
Nature and Man by Richard Alan Miller

The matrix is becoming cognizant of itself
Past present future as one
Threads interwoven throughout eons
Inevitabilities and synchronicities
Moving to loves beat
Allowing the unfolding of the hidden
The vague horizon beacons
Drawing us forth to the precipice
Lemmings to the opium ocean
Awakening in the dream
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