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brain. I do know that Beta-wave is used to treat ADHD, and that fetus and babies
have lots of theta wave. Obesity is also linked to deficiency of dopamine due to
lower levels of dopamine D2 receptors.
In the book SQ, Spiritual Intelligence by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall they
talk about gamma-wave (40Hz) as being the binding resonance that coordinates
the different receptor/thinking functions of the brain, producing a cohesive picture
of reality. Researchers have found that schizophrenics lack this gamma range
from 30 to 100 brain waves per second-that healthy brain cells use to exchange
information about the environment and form mental impressions. The people
at say that gamma 120-500Hz is related to PSI, elemental
transmutation and transmutation.
Research shows that monks in active-compassion show high gamma in their
left prefrontal lobe produced by Heart-Brain synchronization. Richard Davidson,
neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin, has found that Tibetan monks who are
advanced meditators produce high-frequency gamma waves in their left prefrontal
cortex when focused on unconditional compassion and readiness to help living
beings. Previous research by Davidson showed the left prefrontal cortex as a region
associated with happiness and positive thoughts and emotions. Whereas the right
prefrontal is associated with threat response, negative emotions and anxiety. There
was much greater activation of fast-moving and unusually powerful gamma waves
and the movement of the waves through the brain had greater organization and
phase-coherence. These intense gamma waves have been associated with knitting
together disparate brain circuits and so are connected to higher mental activity and
heightened awareness. It is not surprising that it was the advanced monks who had
spent the most years meditating who had the highest levels of gamma waves and
phase-synchronization even when not meditating.
epsilon and Hypnogogia—The lowest frequency brainwaves so far discovered
are Epsilon measured at 0.5Hz or below. I suspect that Epsilon represents the
state of hypnogogia and gnosis. The wave works with a carrier Theta Wave to
promote healing and shamanic trance states, OBE’s; it coordinates left and right-
brain activity, produces nirvana, samadhi and gnosis or spiritual insight. In the
epsilon state self-centric awareness disappears, body sensation is reduced, with
sensory impressions diminishing as you descend to deeper levels. In general, the
deeper your brainwaves, the greater your psychic abilities will be. Psychic data
gathered in epsilon tends to be correct, allowing high quality psychic performance
levels. Delta and Epsilon states are used when you need high-level information
or wish to “effect things” via the Law of Attraction. While the majority of daily
living must still be done in higher brainwave states. Ten seconds of delta waves in
the temporal lobes of a Transcendental meditator correlated with the meditator’s
peak experience. —Dr. Jeffrey Thompson. The Theta, Epsilon and
Lambda meditation CDs are in the Meditation section of his product list. Also
check out the NASA sounds of the planet CDs in the ambient sound selection.

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