
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Part Vi


sUPerFlUiDitY anD KUnDalini

In my opinion kundalini awakenings are associated with a tumescence of the
“blueprint” of the bodymind. Within this amplified morphogenic field the cells set
about changing and reorganizing themselves to convey the upsurge of consciousness
or Spirit. During this period of increased spiritual field there is greater vibration,
rhythm, correspondence and communication between atoms, cells and organs.
This is tacitly undeniable to anyone going through a kundalini awakening through
an amplified sense of aliveness, feeling and senses. In fact it is this intensification
of sensation and function coupled with the abrupt breakthrough into expanded
states of awareness that is most disturbing about the experience of kundalini, for
we are so used to living in the half-death of collective conditioned fog. This higher
integration is concurrent with increased psychic, extrasensory abilities, such that
as we integrate our internal organism, we delve more deeply into the collective
interiors of the human race and the globe. Through the elevation of the personal
we access the transpersonal and tune into the Global Brain.
A good word to describe this amplified of being during metamorphosis is
superfluid. We can assume that cell membranes become more permeable, including
the blood brain barrier. Polarities become more pronounced, increasing the ion
exchange and current flow between them. The fields of the organs, plexuses, brain
and the body must be greatly expanded and magnified. There must be increased
nutrient and waste product exchange coupled with greatly increased enzymatic
action and oxygen usage. ATP and glucose metabolism must be at an all time high,
as on every level we become more “alive and awake.”
The cavity within the center of the spinal column itself both makes and contains
cerebrospinal fluid. The super-charged body and expanded heart-field must act like
a cyclotron (particle accelerator) on the spine. The cerebrospinal fluid probably
becomes supercharged with ions and laden with neuropeptides, during activated
periods, cumulating in a crescendo with inner-conjunctions. At the height of the
awakening I imagine that the cerebrospinal fluid becomes laden with amrita, or
nectar of the Gods, that is saturated with ions, endorphins, glutamate, NO and
various neurotransmitters.
Along with circulation of this fluid up the spine and around the brain cavities,
the increased permeability between the cerebrospinal fluid and the blood following
histamine release, could allow the elixir to flow within the bloodstream as well.
After it bathes the brain and spine CSF is reabsorbed into venus sinus blood via
arachnoid villi projecting into the superior sagittal sinus. This amrita in the blood
then would hyper-relax the entire bodymind and thereby energy is conserved and
accumulated for the inner-conjunction. Supplanting the normal laborious flow
of energy through nervous tissue this “spark,” reminiscent of lightning, zaps many

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