
(nextflipdebug5) #1

volts through the organism. Like lightning the spark could comprise of wave pulses
of energy between the positive and negative poles, but moving so fast as to be
perceived as one ongoing current.
Changing the voltage across a neuron membrane opens channels that allow
various kinds of ions (including calcium ions) to enter and leave the neuron. The
membrane’s conductivity to ions is voltage dependent. The movement of ions
(which constitutes an electric current) then causes further changes in the membrane
and so on—thus perpetuating a superfluid, supercharged state. With kundalini it
feels like ones atoms are spinning faster and the body is more “spacious.”
There are references in the texts, especially those on Tantric Kriya Yoga on
the magnetizing and ionizing of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This ionized fluid
then awakens and transforms the brain and broadens the range of conscious and
sensory perception. Apparently even breathing ionizes the CSF. According to
Ipsalu Tantric Kriya Yoga a technique called the cobra Breath pulls magnetic
energy into the spine, ionizing the spinal fluid and allowing the kundalini to rise,
bathing the brain in magnetized fluid and transforming consciousness. Check out for more information on this. All breathing, chanting and
toning techniques will aid in elevating and integrating consciousness through
increased ionization and energy, thereby deepening and expanding levels of
Besides changes in the cell receptors other changes in the cell membranes would
fuel the conflagration of superfluidity. Changes in the bio-chemical and EMF
environment of the cell, along with increased temperature, hydrostatic pressure and
osmotic pressure would lead to changes in the lipid composition and permeability
of the cell membrane. This change in the cell membrane would in turn contribute
to an upsurge in the rate/activity of cellular energy generation and metabolism.
Thus creating a feedback relationship that would maintain hyperactivation until
the resources necessary to perpetuate this contagion are depleted. If however
lifestyle is such to maintain high cellular energy levels without damage to the cells
themselves, then the alchemy of transmutation could proceed at a quickened pace
indefinitely. By feeding the life harmonic—we feed our Spiritual attainment.
The radionics genius George Lakhovsky (1925) says that the amplitude of cell
oscillations must reach a certain value for the organism to be able to repulse the
destructive vibrations of pathogens. He proposed a universal law of healing which
states that healing is achieved by reinforcing the healthy oscillations of the cells,
rather than attacking the pathogens themselves. In Lakhovsky’s words “...the cell,
essential organic unit in all living beings, is nothing but an electromagnetic resonator,
capable of emitting and absorbing radiations of very high frequency.”The medicine
of the future, and indeed all aspects of culture (technology, housing, transport,
energy, agriculture etc...) will be primarily focused on generating the most
biophilic vibrations and conditions. If we create a biophilic culture we eliminate
the conditions that breed disease, crime and this way we free up our minds,
hearts and resources to build a sane global village that enhances and liberates the
spiritual potential of each individual.

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