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normal tissue to overcome malignancy of the whole cell population. Popp showed
that cancer is a problem of energy distribution, transparency and coherence rather
than of a causal energy deficiency. Thus cancer therapy must reinstate coherent
electromagnetic energy and repair the communication system between cells.
In studying plant extracts to find one that helped return cancerous tissue’s
photon emission back to normal Popp found that Mistletoe extract was the only
one which helped to resocialize the photon emission of tumor cells back to normal.
However he probably did not try exotic things like Neem, Agaricus mushrooms,
Graviola, Pau d’Arco and some of the recent phytoceuticals discovered in the
Amazon. The way healing might work is by having our proper light restored by
taking particular herb which attracts and then absorbs the abnormal oscillations,
allowing the body to return to normal health. Or a substance might resonate at
the perfect frequency to cancel out the frequency of the cancer cells causing their
apoptosis. Fritz-Albert Popp’s research leads us to the conclusion that perhaps the
best form of acute cancer therapy would involve light and sound radiation machines,
coupled with the energies of nature, to reinstate the photorepair mechanism of the
cells. This at least, while still a “treatment” and not a cure, would allow people the
“time” to change their lifestyle over to a more prolife permacultural mode...which
is the only solution to supra-generational disease.

“If a particular human activity cannot produce lasting benefit within the individual’s
life span, even less so can it do so as new generations come and go.” Thomas Frydrych

Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies.
Richard Gerber

The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne Mctaggart

The Energy Healing Experiments: Science Reveals Our Natural Power to Heal,
Gary E. Schwartz, William L. Simon, and Richard Carmona’general50/buiop.htm —Biophotons and the Universal Light
Code, William F. Hamilton —Popp’s basic theory of
cancer development and defense


The Greek word “therapeuein” (to heal), originally meant “to serve the Gods.”
Thus all healing is spiritual healing. Those who increase their soul voltage during
their lifetime get to experience “heaven,” not after they are dead, but while they
are living. A revolutionary new development in “wave-genetics” uses noninvasive
DNA activation with radio and light waves based on human language frequencies.
Human consciousness, specifically unity consciousness or unconditional love, can
stimulate the genetic code—to “reunify” body, mind and spirit. Words are used
with “intention” to activate DNA and stimulate healing at the cellular level. The
Wave Genome theory is being developed by a group conducted by P.P. Gariaev
in Russia; they are experimented with repairing damage to chromosomes done by

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