
(nextflipdebug5) #1

radiation. Gariaev’s team developed sophisticated devices capable of influencing
cellular metabolism through sound and light waves keyed to human language
frequencies, by simply applying vibration and language, or sound combined
with intention, or “words,” to DNA. In crafting the human spiritual body there
is no substitute for the live human consciousness and voice. Gariaev found that
chromosomes assemble themselves into a holographic grating or lattice designed to
generate and interpret highly stable spiral standing waves of sound and light that
direct all biological functions. Thus the DNA’s code is translated into the structure
of the body, guided by photons (light) and phonons (sound) signals.
Through light and sound Regenetics has the potential: to “reset” our biology,
generate energy and creativity, and essentially to consciously assist in building the
spiritual bodymind. DNA directs cellular metabolism and replication not just
biochemically but electromagnetically through a chromosomal mechanism that
translates sound into light waves, and vice versa. DNA activated by particular light
and sound broadcasts these genetic instructions into the Unified Consciousness
Field, which then routes “torsion” energy toward the area of focus. Without
creating a harmonious equilibrium with the Unified Field and bridging duality
at the level of the human electromagnetic fields, it is impossible to build a higher
energy body because there is not enough coherence in the system to stabilize higher
Any dissonance will automatically generate less coherent biophotons which will
in turn disrupt DNA and cell metabolism, not to mention mental, emotional and
physical functioning. Thus spiritual mastery is manifest destiny through creating a
stable balanced equation (balance of chaos and order) at the quantum level. Because
“evil” creates dissonance at the quantum level in relationship to ZPE, human evil
represents a profound state of ignorance (denial and resistance) of how the universe
actually operates. To perpetrate or contemplate evil, is to set oneself at odds with
the very principle of manifestation itself, and the stabilization of the noble-holy-
whole condition. In this sense even something as inane as barbeques, constitutes
a form of evil (ignorance) because of the lung pollution, the carcinogens and the
free radial impact of charred meat on the body’s atomic structure. Barbeques have
a direct impact on the genetic integrity of future generations and their ability to
achieve the “noble estate.”
In looking at things through the lens of a benign organizational principle, and
considering human spirituality to be synonymous to the ability to work “with”
and not “against” cosmic design, we can see how off base and destructive present
human culture is. Anything that defiles the genetic code in particular and cellular
health in general is a form of evil—atom bombs, depleted uranium and the new
wave weapons constitute the greatest evil to ever arise in this part of the universe,
and no “good” could possibly come from their deployment.
In this material and descended culture we have to “consciously” or intentionally
create a spiritual body, which in fact would be a priori condition, if we lived in an
enlightened society. The appearance of a substantial lightbody occurs only in those
who have attained spiritual mastery. Spiritual mastery involves the purity of the

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