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field and brain-field. Truth then becomes a higher frequency “attraction” which
leads to subtler more evolved forms of gene expression and consequent “sense of
being” and behavior. Luminality is the homecoming of the head brain into the
heart brain. The luminal sacred marriage involves the amplification of the play of
the poles, charges, hemispheres and sexes—a quickening of the energy that drives
the Kosmos itself.

liVinG Water anD liQUiD crYstal

“The cell is immortal; it is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew
this fluid at intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition, and as far as I
know, the pulsation of life will go on forever.” Dr. Carrel

Viktor Schauberger studied the life-enhancing energy in nature, which
manifests in water or air as vortices and coined the term “Living-water.” Generally
Living-water is made in pristine, vital natural environments and has properties
that include dynamic vortex flows, aeration, ionic charge in relation to minerals in
it, solarized by sunlight, imbued with plant, soil and microbial components from
a vital catchment area, and magnetized by earth currents and rocks/river sand.
Schauberger said that water, a living, naturally spiraling substance can also die.
Viktor considered water at +4°C (39°F) to be an anomaly point where water was
its densest and heaviest, providing the greatest vitality and life-giving potential. If
Living-water is the only real healthy kind of water to drink, very few have access
to such water. Schauberger called water an “emulsion” when it is supercharged
with creative fructigenic energies. “The more diverse the make up of the constituents
dissolved and suspended in water, the more complex the emulsion, the broader the range
of its properties.” Alick Bartholomew, Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Viktor
Schauberger. For more on the fructigenic energies of nature read Living Energies:
An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger by Callum
At 4°C water molecules form into their longest chain state. Thus if the flow
remains ordered or ‘laminar’ ionic charges have a chance to build up macroscopically
as the long molecules entrain. The entopic energy in the cosmos is balanced by
an absorbing, cosmic patternmaking force, which can been seen as information
ordering, or as life in the most general sense. Viktor Schauberger observed that
moving fluids can generate energy by reducing entropy. A natural watercourse
builds up an energy that flows within the stream in the opposite way and can be
seen as a channel of light within the stream. Recently a patent was granted for
a water treatment devise using a Schauberger type water vortex, which proved
that oxygen is incorporated into the water bonds and that the dielectric properties
of water are enhanced by vortexing and the structure itself levitates through
hydrodynamic electrogravitics! Plant growth increased when treated with this
“living water” showing that indeed the water had been charged with fructigenic
energies. See patent number 5611926 online.
One of the mechanisms by which the bodymind may go into its super-metabolic
kundalini-state is probably through the body’s higher EMF changing the nature
of the water in the tissues, making energy and element transfers super efficient.

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