
(nextflipdebug5) #1

tHe sUn at miDniGHt

I have tried to explore biophotons and light in BOK but the research at this point
is rather the next 10 years though a profound theory of light in biology
and spirituality should arise through the marriage of the physicists and biologists.
Howard Burr, Wilhelm Reich, Alfred Popp, Glen Rein, Stuart Hameroff, Walter
Russell...and zero point researchers such as Tom Bearden, John Hutchison, Tom
Valone are a few of the luminaries that will help us arrive at a quantum mechanic
understanding of biolight. At this point it seems that light and sound are the
primary means of communication and coordination within and between cells and
organisms. Every atom and molecule is radiating photons and can be interpreted
as a transducer of zero point energy. Hameroff says the quantum tunneling of
photons within a protein molecule is how proteins can rapidly form themselves.
Thus the light is involved in the quantum computation of the molecular structure
of proteins, DNA and perhaps all matter living and non-living.
Of course radiation, pollution, toxicity and deficiency of molecular resources
can create interference patterns (miasmas) that reduce the coherency of biological
formation and maintenance within the sea of zero point. This quantum approach is
what any serious anti-aging technology will have to look at in maintaining “form”
within the entropic, dissembling forces of the universe. Popp in particular found
remarkable insight into the stabilization of biology (health) through studying
biophotons. Neurosis and illness constitutes the sum of the interference patterns
or miasmas contained within the individual bodymind that prevent a perfect
synchronization between all the levels of matter, energy and consciousness from
Zero Point to the Soul.
What you are seeing in the spacious, open, soft, fluffy aura of a meditator is
coherence in light vibration...the biophotons given off by a practiced meditator
are more coherent than a non-meditator and any observer can both see and feel
this coherency. The effect is arising at the quantum and atomic level, but we see
the effect of this subatomic coherency in our normal 3D hologram. A meditators
biofield is also more resilient and resistant to interference from external fields
and radiation...therefore they are able to maintain the integrity of their energetic
stabilization better, which in turn also contributes to their increased coherent
biophoton field. Basically with meditation you are retuning the nervous system to
burn less hot jet fuel (HPA Axis) while becoming more efficient. Taking advantage
of the lower frequency ranges (theta, alpha) that can hold more information bites,
reducing stress hormones, and preventing nerve receptor resistance, reducing
neurodegeneration from excitotoxicity, lowering free radical generation, plus tuning
into earth frequencies so there is less dissonance and friction in the system.
LUMINALITY...or spiritual consciousness is the result of the heart-field taking
precedence over the brain-field...such that all thought is in-formed by this much
larger field of the opened heart...a field that is one with all life and the cosmos. Thus
heart in-formed thought forms are coherent, stabilized thought forms representing
“Truth.” Truth is thus “Universalized” through the correspondence between heart-

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