Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders

Saddam continues to strengthen his reputation both by his re-
Islamization program and by his ostentatious support for the Pales-
tinian people, further endearing him to his Arab neighbors. Saddam
has pledged U.S.$881 million from oil revenues for the Palestinian

The Use of International Crisis

Saddam has found that international crises are helpful to him in
retaining power in his country, and his string of foreign policy suc-
cesses has allowed him to stunt the growth of internal opposition.
For Saddam, success is not limited to the elimination of domestic
opposition; such elimination is only a precondition to achieve his
continuing ambition to be recognized as the preeminent leader in
the region and a worthy successor to Nasser. However, in order to be
able to become a world-class leader, he needs, in the first place, to
control the domestic scene, and in his mind, control means absolute
control, namely, the complete elimination of any opposition. To
achieve that, Saddam has always been ready to confront anybody,
including world powers. The most damaging outcome of any crisis is
one that shows him as a failure as a leader. Thus Saddam regularly
promotes international crises to shore up his internal position.
While assuredly Saddam's position today is much weaker than it
was on the eve of the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, he has demon-
strated a more sophisticated leadership both in terms of internal
security vulnerabilities and in terms of diplomacy with his Arab
neighbors and Turkey, the "near abroad," as well as with his "far
abroad." He has patiently and assiduously worked to reduce his vul-
nerabilities and to strengthen his position, both internally and inter-

Saddam's survival in power is his continuing goal. A rational calcu-
lator who can bob and weave and is astutely Machiavellian, he has
shrewdly managed to sustain the loyalty of his military and to
weaken international opposition. That he has been sophisticated and
better attuned to the context of his leadership both internally and
internationally does not however lessen a still persistent danger—
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