Fat-Burning Diet and Nutrition Guide

(Frankie) #1

w a rmup work, which spares glycogen for your high-intensity
sets. True, even with caffeine the fat burning that occurs during
your weight workout is minimal, but anytime you can create a
situation in which you use even small amounts of fat as energy,
you should take it. Considering the central nervous system
stimulation that caffeine provides, you can see how a little may
go a long way toward making your resistance workouts more
intense and that much more effective for burning fat as you
build muscle.
Here’s another bonus: According to new studies, coffee can
make your workouts less painful. Caffeine appears to lessen
exercise-induced muscle pain, which means you can push your
sets hard, get more X Reps and stimulate more growth. There’s
a desensitizing effect, however: The pain-reduction eff e c t s
were less significant among heavy caffeine users because their
pain receptors had been altered. Researchers don’t know
whether the caffeine acts on the muscles or the brain to reduce
How we use caff e i n e :For best results you should
consume caffeine 30 minutes before your workout so that it’s in
your system and taking effect prior to your first work set. About
150 milligrams, the amount of caffeine in one cup of coffee, will
do the trick for most people. During the last eight weeks of our
ri ppi ng p ha s e, w e u se d S A N C o rp o rat io n’s Ti gh t. It’s
considered a fat burner because it contains caffeine and other
metabolic stimulators like synephrine, guggulsterones and
yohimbine (more on that last one in a moment). We took one
Tight capsule about 15 minutes before our weight-training
sessions and sometimes anoth er capsule before card i o ,
depending on when it occurred. If we did cardio in the evening,
we avoided caffeine because of its sleep-disruption effects. We
found that any caffeine after 2 p.m. made it more difficult to fall
asleep at night. Caff e i n e ’s nervous system-stimulation eff e c t s
are said to peak about an hour after you take it, but it isn’t out
of your system for another six to eight hours. Keep that in mind.
Also, don’t use it if you have any cardiovascular problems, as it

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