The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide - Human Performance

(Greg DeLong) #1

204 Training and Sports Related Injuries

" Increased blood pressure.

" Decreased ability of blood to clot.

" Exacerbation of asthma.

" Potential kidney damage with long-term use.

Remember: NSAIDs should not be used, or should be used with extreme caution,
in conjunction with alcohol, as both irritate the stomach. Table 12-2 provides a list of the
most commonly prescribed (or over-the-counter) NSAIDs, with their generic and common
brand name.

If you have stomach or other gastrointestinal tract problems, Tylenol
(acetaminophen) may be a better choice for relieving muscle soreness than Ibuprofen- and
Aspirin-based products.

Table 12-2. Generic Names (and Common Names) for

Various Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents

Generic Anti-Inflammatory Agents

Aspirin (Bayer, Aspirin, Ecotrin) Ketoprofen (Orudis)

Diclofenac (Voltaren) Meclofenamate (Meclomen)

Diflunisal (Dolobid) Nabumetone (Relafen)

Etodolac (Lodine) Naproxen (Naprosyn, Anaprox)

Fenoprofen (Nalfon) Oxaprozin (Daypro)

Flurbiprofen (Ansaid) Piroxicam (Feldene, Antiflog)

Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) Sulindac (Clinoril)

Indomethacin (Indocin, Indocin SR) Tolmetin (Tolectin 200, Tolectin 600)
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