0521779407-22 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:23
1544 Vitiligo Volume Depletion and Edema
diuretics, salt wasting nephropathy, decreasedmineralocor-
ticoid activity
increased [Na] and decreased [Cl] or increased FENa and
decreased FECl (effect of nonreabsorbable anion)
vomiting (bicarbonaturia), ketonuria, urinary excretion of
penicillin salts
decreased [Na] and increased [Cl] or decreased FENa and
increased FECl (effect of increased UNH4V )
chronic diarrhea
➣Other tests indicative of increased renal reabsorption of Na and
urine:plasma creatinine >40:1
increased Uosmand increased urine specific gravity
differential diagnosis
■decreased total body Na, decreased EABV
➣extrarenal loss
diarrhea, fistula, vomiting/nasogastric suction, excessive
➣renal loss
adrenal insufficiency
cerebral salt wasting
■increased total body Na, decreased EABV (edematous disorders)
➣congestive heart failure
➣nephrotic syndrome
extensive burns
■increased total body Na, increased EABV
➣acute glomerulonephritis
➣acute oligo-anuric renal failure
➣advanced end stage renal disease
■first ensure hemodynamics are stable