Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-22 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:23

Vitiligo Volume Depletion and Edema 1545

■determine whether there is increased or decreased total body Na
■if decreased total body Na, determine whether there is renal or
extrarenal Na wasting
■if increased total body Na, determine reason for renal Na retention
■treat underlying cause of the disorder
specific therapy
■disorders with decreased total body Na that are hemodynamically
➣encourage increased PO intake with salt containing foods (bouil-
➣if unable to take PO, administer intravenous fluids
if hyponatremic or normonatremic: use isotonic saline
if hypernatremic: use 0.45% normal saline
➣if metabolic acidosis is present: can use D5W with 1–2 ampules
NaHCO3 added
■disorders with increased total body Na and decreased EABV
➣dietary Na restriction, diuretics
➣transfuse to keep hematocrit >30
➣colloid solutions such as albumin more effective that crystalloids
to expand EABV
■disorders with increased total body Na and increased EABV
➣dietary Na restriction, diuretics, renal failure patients may require
dialysis if refractory to maximal medical therapy

■ensure hemodynamics remain stable
■attempt to treat underlying disorder
■monitor serum [Na] in those patients with either hyponatremia or

complications and prognosis
■administration of salt containing solutions can lead to volume over-
load if not closely monitored
■loop diuretics complicated by hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, and
pre-renal azotemia
■prognosis of conditions with decreased total body Na is good
■prognosis of conditions with increased total body Na dependent
upon underlying disorder
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