Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:12

690 Hepatitis C

■advanced disease: small shrunken cirrhotic liver, collaterals sugges-
tive of portal hypertension

Liver Biopsy
■usually performed before therapy to assess severity of liver disease,
although not a prerequisite for treatment
■particularly useful in patients without clinical evidence of cirrho-
sis/advanced liver disease
■early disease: variable inflammation and stage 1–2 fibrosis
■advanced disease: stage 3 (bridging) fibrosis, stage 4 fibrosis (cirrho-

differential diagnosis
■HCV-specific lab tests will confirm HCV infection
■fatigue, malaise, other subjective Sx may be due to many causes (e.g.,
EBV infection, depression)
■chronic liver disease may result from alcohol, other infections(e.g.,
HBV), other disorders (e.g., hemochromatosis), or a
■combination of factors (e.g., HCV plus alcohol)

What to Do First
■assess severity of liver disease, candidacy for therapy

General Measures
■adjust or avoid potentially hepatotoxic medications
■assess for immunity to hepatitis A and B; immunize those without
■history, physical, LFTs, consider liver biopsy, ultrasound to assess
liver disease
■check HCV genotype: predicts chance of successful therapy, defined
as sustained virological response (SVR); i.e., loss of circulating HCV
RNA by PCR or TMA assay 24 weeks after stopping therapy
➣1a, 1b: 70% of U.S. infections
➣2a, 2b, 3: 25% of U.S. infections
➣4 (Egypt and Middle East), 5 (Africa), and 6 (Vietnam) uncommon
specific therapy
■indicated for adult patients with chronic infection and liver injury,
but not with severe, decompensated liver disease
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