Internal Medicine

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0521779407-09 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:12

Hepatitis C 691

Rx Options
■peginterferon plus ribavirin (Rx of choice)
➣peginterferon: once weekly
➣treat 12 months for genotypes 1a and 1b and viral load >2 mIU;
6 months for other genotypes
➣response rate (loss of HCV RNA): <50% for genotypes 1a and 1b,
>70% for other genotypes
➣response rate less for black patients and obese patients
■peginterferon monotherapy
➣1 year Rx, regimen same as above
➣preferred only for patients who cannot take ribavirin
➣response rate 25–40% overall, less for genotypes 1a and 1b and
for black patients

Side Effects & Contraindications
➣side effects: flu-like symptoms (e.g., myalgia, fever), thrombocy-
topenia, depression
absolute: decompensated cirrhosis, psychosis, organ trans-
plant (except liver), neutropenia thrombocytopenia, uncon-
trolled seizures, severe heart disease
relative: uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disease, active
alcohol or substance abuse
➣side effects: teratogenic, hemolysis
absolute: pregnancy or potential to conceive or father a
child and no reliable contraception, end-stage renal disease,
hemoglobinopathies, anemia
relative: uncontrolled hypertension, active alcohol or sub-
stance abuse

Special Situations
■Children with chronic infection: same protocols as for adults
■HIV-positive patients with chronic infection: same protocols, but
treat only if HIV is well-controlled
■Decompensated cirrhosis: lower response rate and higher risk
of anemia and thrombocytopenia. Rx may be warranted in
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