Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Keep -Ups While Balancing on One Leg

Level: Intermediate

Set up and Instructions: Divide your players into groups of two with one ball per group. Have them
stand 1 to 2 yards apart and instruct them to perform keep ups while remaining balanced on one leg
(Figure 3.3).

Figure 3.3 Keep –Ups While Balancing on One Leg

They must remain standing on one leg at all times, even when they are not in possession. Additionally,
both players must remain in one spot and should avoid shifting the balancing leg as much as possible.
Continue for 60 seconds and then switch the balancing leg. Do each leg 2 to 3 times. This exercise is
categorized as intermediate, but the technical level required to perform this exercise successfully is high.

Coaching Points: The players are not allowed to move and therefore the quality (weight and accuracy) of
passes between the two has to be very high. Also, ensure that each player takes small or soft touches
when keeping-up in order to avoid stretching and/or moving out of position. Encourage the players to
make passes at different heights so that different parts of the body are used to receive or passes.

Progression: Divide the players into groups of three so each player now has to make and receive passes
in and from different angles.

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