Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Close Him Down!

Objective: To develop reactive starting speed using various stimuli

Set-up and Instructions: Divide your players into groups of three with one ball for the group. Have two
players stand 5 to 7 yards apart facing each other, but with their sides to a third player standing 10 yards
away. The two players will pass back and forth between each other, but they must take 2 touches (Figure
4.4a). After a few passes, one of these two players will take a touch in the direction of third player. As
soon as this happens, the third player sprints towards the player who has turned towards them (Figure
4.4b). There is no tackling or dribbling. Switch the working player after each repetition.

Figure 4.4a Figure 4.4b

Coaching Points: The player should maintain a good ready position (low center of gravity, good posture).
Powerful first step in intended direction and short, powerful steps while accelerating. In addition,
encourage quality passes between the other two players and fast turns.

Variation: You can vary this exercise by having the coach call out “Close him down!” as the signal for
the sprinting player to start his run.

Progression: You can progress this exercise by having the player make a curved run showing the turning
player outside or inside (Figure 4.4c)

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