Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1
Ball Drops with one -touch Finishing

Objective: Develop reactive starting speed, and finishing ability

Set-up and Instructions: Place a cone 25 yards in front of a regular-sized goal (or at the edge of the D on
the 18-yard box) so that it is in line with the centre of the goal. Have a small group of players stand
behind this cone facing the goal. Have the coach stand 15 yards away from goal holding a ball in front of
them at waist height (Figure 4.5a).
(To avoid line ups, set up another station in front of a second goal)

Figure 4.5a Figure 4.5b

When ready, the coach should let the ball fall from their hands. As soon this happens, the player at the
front of the line must accelerate towards the ball and finish on goal with one touch (Figure 4.5b). Have
the next person in line go as soon as the player in front of them finishes.

Coaching Points: The player should maintain a good ready position (low center of gravity, good posture)
while waiting. They must take a powerful first step in intended direction and short, rapid steps while

When finishing, players must attack the ball and adjust their body appropriately to finish with one touch.
They should also be compact over the ball and the follow through of the finishing leg should be towards
the target.

Variation: You can have both the goal keeper and player start in a lying position.

Progression: This exercise can be progressed by having the coach bounce the ball, or dropping it from a
higher level so that the player must use different actions to achieve a first-time finish.

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