Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Give and Go with One-Touch passing

Objective: Develop proper technique for accelerating as well as one-touch passing ability

Set-up and Instructions: Place two small disks or cones approximately 30 yards apart. Place two larger
cones in between this space so that the two large cones are 15 yards apart from each other but 7 yards
away from the closer small cone (Figure 4.6a). Have your players form equal lines behind each small
cone, with the player at the front of one line having a ball at their feet.

Figure 4.6a

Play is initiated by the player with the ball dribbling towards the large cone closest to him. Upon
approaching the cone, they play a pass into the feet of the coach (Figure 4.6b) and immediately accelerate
towards the space between the large and small cones at the other end. The coach will play a pass into this
space for the accelerating player so that they can make a one touch pass into the feet of the player at the
front of the other line (Figure 4.6c).

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