Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1


GPS coordinates , 206
Internet connectivity
(Wireless) , 206
standard functions , 209

„ M

MQTT protocols
intrusion detection system , 43
AndroidManifest.xml , 105
Android project , 96
callback method , 102
class creation , 99
code completion , 100–102
connectToMQTT() method , 102
createNotifi cation and
updateView methods , 102
default code , 100
dialog box , 98
imported fi les , 98
libraries , 96
module option , 99
onCreate() method , 102–105
resolve dependencies , 97
service library , 98
top-level package , 99
remote controls , 44
source code
callback() function , 46
data publishes and subscribes , 45
external libraries , 45
Internet , 45
sections , 45
setup() and loop() functions , 46
standard functions , 46

„ N, O

circuit diagram , 54–55
light sensor tween system , 54
components , 52
development environment , 51
fl ow
default view , 57
function node , 61–62, 65
HTTP node , 69
HTTP request node , 60
input nodes , 57–58

output nodes , 57, 59
properties dialog box , 59–60
switch node , 63–64
tasks , 56
terminal window , 56
tweet node , 66
Twitter credentials , 66–68
hardware components
requirement , 53
IoT applications , 51
light sensor tweet system , 52
log messages , 72
objectives , 53
software requirement , 54
source code
data publication , 70–71
external libraries , 69
Internet connectivity , 70
read sensor data , 70
sections , 69
standard functions , 72
Node-RED fl ow
deploy button , 235
fl ow creation , 230
broker node , 232–233
confi guration , 232
Email node , 233
input node , 231
node properties , 231
rename fl ow sheet , 231
updated email node
properties , 234–235

„ P, Q

function , 19
publishToMQTT() method , 130

„ R

readSensorData() function , 70
Remote lighting controls , 44

„ S

Smarter parking system , 139
diagram , 142–143
requirements , 141

Livestock tracking system (cont.)

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