Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things

(Steven Felgate) #1

code (PHP)
database connection , 145
data storage , 144
interface/database , 148–149
parking spots count , 148
receive and update
stored data , 146–147
SQL statement , 147
components of , 139
database table (MySQL) , 144
hardware components , 140
objectives , 140
Serial Monitor window
log messages , 171
open spots app , 175
proximity sensor , 174
screen simulation menu , 172
simulator app , 173
software requirement , 141
source code
calibrateSensor() function , 150
code (iOS) , 153
data publication , 151–152
external libraries , 149
Internet connectivity
(Wireless) , 149
read sensor data , 150–151
function , 150
sections , 149
standard functions , 152–153
X c o d e. See Xcode project
Soil moisture control system
circuit requirement , 255–256, 274–275
components , 253
hardware components , 254
log messages , 275
objectives , 254
software requirements , 254
source code
data publication , 272
external libraries , 271
Internet connectivity
(Wireless) , 272
function , 272
sections , 271
standard setup() and loop()
functions , 274
transmitData() function , 273
Xively. See Xively project

„ T, U, V

Temperature monitoring system
circuit , 179–181
code (PHP)
dashboard , 185–188
database connection , 182–183
receive and store
sensor data , 184
components , 177
dashboard , 193
database table (MySQL) , 181–182
hardware components , 178
l messages , 193
log messages , 192
objectives , 177
software requirements , 178
source code , 189
data publication , 190
external libraries , 189
Internet connectivity
(Wireless) , 189
read sensor data , 189
standard functions , 192
Tweet system
fl ow diagram , 66
function node , 65
log messages , 73
message node , 68
authentication , 66–67
authorization process , 68
authorize app button , 67
credentials , 66

„ W

Waste management system
cardboard box , 236
circuit requirements , 215–216, 236
Close-up , 237
components , 213
details (Eff wkkif ) , 239
Eff ektif. See Eff ektif workfl ow
hardware components , 214
log messages , 237–238
Node-RED fl ow , 230
deploy button , 235
Email node properties , 234
fl ow creation , 230
MQTT subscribe node , 231–233
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