CBS Soaps In Depth – August 19, 2019

(Ron) #1

6 AUGUST 19, 2019



The In Depth Story: “She’s

just incredibly relentless

and truly loves the work,”

portrayer Bri-

ana Nicole Hen-

r y contends.

“For her, it’s

about changing

people’s lives

by keeping

them safe and


them from being hurt.”

Unfortunately, Jordan’s

best quality can also be her

greatest weakness — as

was the case when she

kept chasing Ryan at the

expense of her own health!


Jor dan returned to the police

station on light duty, her forced

recovery leave allowed her a

rare opportunity to hang out

with her family. But might the

workaholic be able to maintain

a healthy balance between her

professional and personal lives

when — and if! — she resumes

her position full-time?




“Jordan poured her heart

into fi nding Ryan,” Henr y

reminds, because that case

became personal. “People

she’s around all the time

were directly affected. And

Lulu was a big one for her.

She was in Jordan’s bridal

party! Having someone

that close to

home involved

broke her


It also almost

killed her.

How ever, Jor-

dan was ulti-

mately forced

to face her failing health

and allow her loved ones

to take care of her. And

since that group of kidney

bandits came together to

literally steal her life back

from Ryan, her period of

healing has been a gift.

Sure, she gets stir crazy,

but she’s shared romantic

afternoons with her hub-

by, done lunch with T.J.

and is continuing to bond

with Aunt Stella.

Henr y is hopeful that

Jordan’s health crisis has

been a wake-up call. Not

only might taking a step

back afford her a better

quality of life, but when

she does get back to work

full-time, it might also

help her professionally. “I

imagine that in some ca-

pacity, it would transform

the way she handles these

cases if she was taking

better care of herself,”

says Henr y.

But only time will tell

how that goes. “She’s just

such a workhorse!”




“I’m technically only working part time,” Jordan told her

temporary replacement, Mac. “This mystery is all yours.”


someone that

close to home


broke her



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