CBS Soaps In Depth – August 19, 2019

(Ron) #1


ing that her

next move

might wind

up costing

her the man that she loved. Just as Flo

began telling Wyatt she didn’t want to

lose him, Liam showed up to get her side

of the stor y. At long last, Flo confessed to

ever ything, unweaving her web of lies

and telling a stunned Liam and heartsick

Wyatt about her shocking crimes.


Despite having become his wife, Hope

continued to keep Thomas at arm’s

length. Thomas became increasingly

frustrated by Hope’s refusal to consum-

mate their marriage. He ranted and

raved about the situation to the point

where he frightened his own son. Doug-

las later made the mistake of telling his

dad he liked Liam, a confession that ir-

ritated Thomas to no end. Though Hope

wasn’t on board with the idea, Thomas

went ahead and made plans for their

honeymoon. Steffy commented to her

A heartbroken

woman tries to save

her relationship.

Ridge demands

some answers!

For more B&B previews,

turn to Set Your DVR on

page 12!

brother that he and his

new bride didn’t seem to

be acting like newlyweds,

and she suggested may-

be he ought to take a dif-

ferent approach with the

blonde. On their honey-

moon, Thomas tried to

convince Hope to accept

that Beth was gone. She

resisted his come-ons,

prompting the cad to con-

tact his old pal (and drug-

procurer), Vinny, to pro-

vide a special “wedding gift” that he

could give his new bride. With increas-

ing insistence, Thomas pressured his

wife to give in and make love with him,

not realizing that at that ver y moment,

Liam was on his way to tell Hope the

shocking truth about Beth being alive

and well... and living with Steffy!

Just want the quick hits? Here’s what

happened over the past two weeks!


Hope and Thomas




Liam realized that Phoebe is

actually Beth.


Hope and Thomas

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