UnIT-VI : reprODUcTIOn
chApTer-1 : reprODUcTIOn In OrGAnIsms
multiple choice Questions
- Select the option which correctly arranges the given
organisms in ascending order of their life span.
(a) Parrot < Crow < Butterfly < Banyan tree
(b) Butterfly < Crow < Parrot < Crocodile
(c) Fruit fly < Crocodile < Parrot < Banyan tree
(d) Parrot < Tortoise < Dog < Crow - Strobilanthus kunthiana differs from bamboo in
(a) being monocarpic (b) length of juvenile phase
(c) being polycarpic (d) none of these. - Figure P and figure Q represent the reproductive organs
of Chara and earthworm, respectively. Select the option
which correctly identifies male reproductive organs of
both the organisms.
(a) A and D (b) B and C
(c) A and C (d) B and D
- Refer the given figures and identify the processes P
and Q.
(a) Metamerism Multiple fission by a
by a cnidarian protist
(b) Strobilation Multiple fission by a
by a cnidarian protist
(c) Fragmentation by Internal budding by a
a platyhelminth sponge
(d) Strobilation by a Sporulation by a
platyhelminth protist
- Read the following statements and select the correct
(i) Zoospores are flagellated, motile spores.
(ii) The fertilized ovules mature and convert into
(iii) Isogamy refers to fusion of gametes which differ
in size and motility.
(iv) When both male and female flowers occur on
same plants, they are called dioecious.