
(Michael S) #1
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (iii) and (iv)

  1. Fertilization cannot occur in absence of surface water
    (a) Fucus (b) Funaria
    (c) Marsilea (d) all of these.

  2. Grafting is the union between two plants of closely
    related varieties. Following are some statements
    regarding different types of grafting.

Identify the type of grafting with respect to these
statements and select the correct option.
(i) An oblique cut followed by a notch is given to
both stock and scion.
(ii) Scion is a bud with a small piece of bark and
(iii) Both stock and scion are of same diameter.
(iv) Stock has many times more diameter than scion.
(a) (i) can be tongue grafting in which diameter of
stock is larger than that of scion.
(b) (ii) can be bud grafting in which stock of monocot
and scion of dicot plant are usually united.
(c) (iii) can be wedge grafting in which v-shaped
notch is given to stock whereas wedge like cut is
given to scion.
(d) (iv) can be crown grafting in which many stocks
are inserted in the slits made in the scions.

  1. Choose the option which correctly identifies A, B, C, D
    and E given below.

(a) Tuber Stolon Eyes Leaf buds Offset
(b) Offset Eyes Leaf buds Stolon Sucker
(c) Offset Leaf buds Eyes Stolon Sucker
(d) Tuber Rhizome Bulbil Leaf buds Offset

  1. Why is water hyacinth called “Terror of Bengal”?
    (a) It is being used as food for fish.
    (b) It consumes oxygen from cultivated plant and
    destroys them.

(c) It consumes oxygen from water and decreases O 2
concentration in water.
(d) Its leaf tips form new plants when they come in
contact with soil.

  1. Callus is
    (a) organised mass of cells
    (b) differentiated mass of cells
    (c) redifferentiated mass of cells
    (d) undifferentiated mass of cells.

  2. Menstrual cycle is
    (a) seasonal hormonal ovarian change
    (b) conditional hormonal ovarian change
    (c) periodic hormonal ovarian change
    (d) habitual hormonal ovarian change.

  3. Essential and most critical event in sexual reproduction
    (a) fertilisation
    (b) fusion of male and female gametes
    (c) division in male and female gametes
    (d) both (a) and (b).

  4. Where does syngamy occur?
    (a) External medium (b) Internal medium
    (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these.

  5. Eyes present on potato and ginger are
    (a) condensed nodes
    (b) condensed internode
    (c) interspread rhizome
    (d) interspread corm.

  6. Vegetative propagation in mint occurs by
    (a) offset (b) rhizome
    (c) sucker (d) runner.
    True or False

  7. Organisms of similar size, as crow and parrot, have
    the same life span.

  8. Bamboo species flower only once in their lifetime,
    usually after 150-200 years.

  9. Birds, in nature, lay eggs only seasonally, but in
    captivity, may be made to lay eggs throughout the

  10. Many mammals, living in natural or wild conditions,
    reproduce only during specific (favourable) seasons in
    their reproductive phase, and so are called seasonal

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