Cell - 8 September 2016

(Amelia) #1

(D) PHX induces mitochondrialhsp-6andhsp-60expression.hsp-6p::GFP and reporterhsp-60p::GFP induction was measured by COPAS biosorter after PHX
treatment (mean±SD of three biological repeats, *p%0.05, *p%0.01).
(E) Oxygen consumption rate was measured afterhsp-6RNAi and PHX treatment from whole worms using Seahorse (Paired t test, mean±SD of three biological
(F) Oxygen consumption rate was measured with or without fatty acid oxidation substrate after mtHsp70 siRNA treatment in 293T cells. mtHSP70 protein level is
shown after siRNA treatment (inset). Left: respiration in control siRNA treated cells either in the presence of BSA (in blue) or after the addition of the fatty acid
oxidation substrate BSA-palmitate (PALM) (in red), Right: respiration in mtHSP70 siRNA treated cells either in the presence of BSA (in blue) or after the addition of
the fatty acid oxidation substrate BSA-palmitate (PALM) (in red). Oligo; oligomycin, FCCP; carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone, Rtn/AA;

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