
(Dana P.) #1

Table 1.3 Uses of biophotonics tools and techniques in selected medical specialties

Medical specialty Applications of biophotonics methodologies
Photobiomodulation: uses low irradiance
levels to aid in pain relief and tissue healing

Photonic stimulation of tissue to alleviate
acute and chronic pain, treat sprains and
strains from sports injuries, speed up wound
healing, treat nerve and brain injuries, and
promote tissue and bone healing
Cardiology: deals with diseases and
abnormalities of the heart

Use of lasers and opticalfibers for imaging
atherosclerotic plaques, diagnosing heart
functions, monitoring laser surgery of atrial
fibrillation, reducing angina or cardiac pain
Dentistry: deals with tooth repair and the
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of tooth
and gum disorders

Detection of caries and cracks in teeth, soft
and hard tissue ablation, endodontic therapy,
tooth restoration treatments, and detection
and treatment of diseases of the teeth, gums,
and mouth structures
Dermatology: deals with the skin and its
disorders and diseases

Treatment of skin atrophy, skin thickening,
varicose veins, vascular lesions, unwanted
hair, age spots, surgical and acne scars, and
pigmented lesions
Gastroenterology: focuses on the digestive
system and its disorders and diseases

Use of endoscopes for imaging the lower and
upper gastrointestinal tract to detect
abnormalities; use of lasers to destroy
esophageal and gastric cancers;
photocoagulation of hemorrhaging peptic
Oncology: deals with the study and treatment
of tumors

Early and accurate non-invasive in vivo
cancer detection and diagnosis through a
variety of optical methods for tissue
diagnosis, treatment of cancer through
photodynamic therapy, identification of
cancer site boundaries
Ophthalmology: deals with eye structures,
functions, and diseases

Retinal surgery (treatment of cataracts,
glaucoma, and age-related macular
degeneracy), refractive corneal surgery,
imaging of retinal nervefiber layers, and
sensing changes in eye anatomy and
Neurophotonics/Optogenetics: deals with
the structure or function of the nervous
system and brain

The neuroscience discipline of optogenetics
uses light to activate or inhibit signaling
among neurons to study the link between
neural network operation and behavioral or
sensory functions to treat neuropsychiatric
Vascular medicineorangiology: deals with
preventing, diagnosing, and treating vascular
and blood vessel related diseases

Use of lasers and opticalfibers for imaging
atherosclerotic plaques, diagnosing
microcirculation, treating varicose veins, and
treating diseases of the circulatory and
lymphatic systems, i.e., arteries, veins and
lymphatic vases

1.2 Diverse Applications 7

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