The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


IPH Q3-135. R internal petrosal fragment. Region
of arcuate eminence only minimally convex; region of
subarcuate fossa completely filled in and flat.

IPH Q3-196. L maxillary fragment with moderately
worn M3. Enamel deeply creased; thick postcingulum

IPH Q3-205. Maxillary fragment. Tiny and tho-
roughly crushed. Palate appears to have been deep. Very
worn Ml similar to Qafzeh 6, with distal crease
delineating hypocone. Other preserved tooth worn flat.

IPH Q3-227. R mastoid region. Only part of
mastoid process preserves any detail. Process rather
thin a/p and somewhat pointed; does not project
greatly downward. Posterior margin of process angled
forward; muscle-scarred anterior margin angles
somewhat downward. Mastoid notch narrow and
quite deep (largely because plane medial to it is level
with tip of mastoid). Internally, only a very short, deep
sigmoid sinus is visible.

Qafzeh 5 (IPH 1979 Q5-181). Partial maxilla with
RM1-LM1 except for LI1. Nothing of nasal region is
usefully preserved. Nasoalveolar clivus was probably
quite long and bulged a little (not as much as Qafzeh 6
or Qafzeh 7). Anterior root of R zygomatic arch
preserved; arises relatively close above M1 and marks
inferior boundary of what was apparently a forward-
facing plane. Infraorbital region was not sunken. Palate
not very deep in preserved portion; its sides all slope in
gradually and it would have been quite narrow. Teeth
smaller than those of Qafzeh 6 and even Qafzeh 7,
and set in a rather smaller jaw. Anterior teeth fairly
worn and chipped. Preserved I1 quite bulky, broad,
minimally concave lingually. Both 12s have marked
vertical grooves in midline of lingual surfaces; 12s quite
large. C relatively small, only minimally distended at
base lingually. P2s much smaller than Pls. P2s have
thick postcingula. Mls relatively unworn and show
some enamel wrinkling. Postprotocrista strong and
runs to apex of metacone. Thick preprotocrista courses
mesially to terminate at side of base of paracone. Apex
of metacone lies close to base of paracone. Base of
protocone quite broad and encroaches into trigon
basin. Hypocone large and delineated above by a
somewhat obliquely oriented crease.

Qufzeh 6. Heavily reconstructed fragmentary
cranium with weathered surface. General shape differs
between R and L sides; R side appears longer and

higher; face rather asymmetrical. However, general
aspects of reconstructed shape seem relatively reliable.
Missing orbital cones, basicranium, sphenoid, parts of
R and L temporal, R parietal, and part of R occipital.
Cranial bone modestly thick. Upper LIl-M2, RC,
and M1 and 2 preserved; also an isolated upper L (not
R) M3 (numbered 1979-Q6 195), which fits perfectly
against the in situ upper LM2. No mandible.
Cranium modestly short and broad, and slightly
domed. In profile, somewhat steep postglabellar plane
runs from s/i tall, swollen, protrusive glabella, flexes
noticeably up into relatively short frontal rise. Profile
curves back in broad, moderate arc until region of
bregma, where it levels off before well posterior to as-
terion beginning steep descent that continues onto
occiput. Not far below now-missing area of lambda,
the slightly bulbous occipital curves down, around,
and forward to the low-set superior nuchal line, which
is somewhat thickened and downwardly distended.
Anteriorly sloping nuchal plane undercuts superior
nuchal line. From above, braincase appears broadest
far back (posterior to mastoid region), tapering
slightly forward to the modest postorbital constric-
tion, and the supraorbital margins angle back gently
from glabella. From behind, cranium relatively tall
(with somewhat straight side walls) and moderately
wide, with broadly and roundedly arced top. From
front, face is broad, short, with somewhat domed
Glabella broad and somewhat protrusive, overhang-
ing nasion considerably. Supraorbital margins very tall
s/i and only slightly arced in profile (not rolled); they are
confluent with and retreat slightly from glabella. Tori arc
over orbits; they rise from the broad postglabellar de-
pression to peak over the large, medially placed supraor-
bital notches, and descend laterally. Posttoral plane
moderate and steeply oriented upward. Plane of supra-
orbital region lateral to notches flows continuously back
into frontal squama (confining anterior dome of frontal
to region just behind supraglabellar depression). Supe-
rior orbital margins bluntly cornered. As seen on R,
frontal sinus fairly large, extending beneath postglabellar
depression and lateral to midline of orbit. On the L, si-
nus appears to be less pervasive in all directions. Zygo-
matic process of frontal (preserved best on L) very long
a/p and thick; posterior margin oriented straight back
and defined by faint temporal ridge. Temporal lines
extremely faint but apparently ran very low on skull.
Interorbital region only modestly broad. Orbits
wide and semirectangular; long axes oriented sideways
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