The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


and downward. Inferior orbital margins thick and
blunt; floor of orbit is set only minimally below. Inferior
orbital margins reflected outward slightly; region below
is broadly, shallowly concave. Lacrimal fossae short a/p
and very shallow. Anterior lacrimal crests low, blunt;
fade out superiorly where area damaged. Nasion not
clearly defined by sutures; nasal bones flex slightly for-
ward below. Nasals keeled along nasonasal suture. As
preserved on the L, frontal process of maxilla probably
sloping, moderately long a/p, and short s/i. Nasal aper-
ture very broad and quite short. Lateral (nasal margin)
crests crisp, fading out just before reaching short,
stubby, separate anterior nasal spines. No trace of pre-
nasal fossa. As preserved best on the L (R damaged),
conchal crest low, fairly long a/p, and horizontal; lateral
wall of cavity not sunken in region of crest. As seen
best on the R, anterior lacrimal crest extends into nasal
cavity as a shelf, which partially covers the lacrimal
groove. Viewed from below, infraorbital region faces
anteriorly. Nasoalveolar clivus moderately long; bulges
outward, especially in region between Pls.
Inferior margin of anterior root of zygomatic arch
arises high above region of M1 and 2; flares strongly lat-
erally and rises only very slightly above horizontal zygo-
matic arch. Maxillary tuberosity itself not large, but
body of zygoma is stout at that point, where it also
curves strongly backward. Maxillary sinus apparently
did not invade zygoma laterally. As preserved superiorly
on the L, &sphenoid deeply excavated, and short from
front to back. Conformation of medial wall of temporal
fossa is obscured. Articular fossa (preserved laterally on
L) is deep, with a quite well-defined articular eminence.
As preserved best on the L, zygomatic arch (notably its
superior surface) runs slightly superiorly before descend-
ing gradually toward its posterior root, which originates
over front edge of auditory meatus. Apparently no sig-
nificant suprameatal crest. Meatus subcircular, moderate
in size, and closely fused to base of a/p long, thick,
bluntly rounded, not very tall mastoid process. As seen
on the broken L, the process is inflated with very tiny
air cells. Lateral side of mastoid notch preserved on L;
may have been quite wide; nothing medial to it remains.
Vaginal process (partly visible on L) arises along anterior
margin of downwardly pointed carotid foramen; peaks
around apparently thick styloid process and fades out
very quickly lateral to it. Styloid process very medially
placed; lies very close to carotid foramen. Stylomastoid
foramen apparently small; lies lateral to styloid process.
Occipital profile somewhat distorted; appears to
have been tall, fairly rounded, and undistended. Supe-

rior nuchal line (partly preserved on R) appears to
have been only slightly higher laterally than at its
midpoint, which is thickened into a somewhat down-
wardly projecting crescentic ridge. Above this ridge, a
slight apparent concavity in weathered bone does not
take the form of a typical suprainiac fossa.
Palate long a/p, relatively broad, and consistently
deep behind incisive foramen, which lies at level of
Cs. Walls of palate vertical; anterior slope short but
strong. Posterior nasal spine sharp and very long.
Internally, petrosal quite broad; region of arcuate
eminence is modestly elevated. Apparently there was
no superior petrous sinus. Subarcuate region damaged.
All preserved upper teeth very heavily worn; both
Mls and isolated M3 lost some enamel antemortem.
Very bulky and thick rooted, especially m/d. Neither
I1 nor preserved I2 shoveled; L12 only has a small pit
above a slightly swollen lingual tubercle. C crowns ap-
pear to have been quite slender and somewhat rounded
lingually. As judged from alveoli, RP1 did not have
completely separate roots; RP2 was completely single
rooted. On the L, preserved premolars are quite small;
P2 is much smaller than P1, especially on its buccal
side (giving an oddly ovoid shape). Ms decrease in size
from M1 to M3. Mls have large hypocones, delin-
eated on their buccal margins by a fairly mesiodistally
oriented crease. Hypocone region of M2s swollen, but
this cusp not clearly delineated. Metacones decrease in
size M1-3. On LM3, hypocone region is represented
by a thick postcingulum. All three molars bear very
distinct trigon basins restricted to the region between
paracone and metacone. Protocone intrudes quite
buccally across surface of crown.

Qufzeh 7. Fragments of skull with partial frontal
(IPH 1979 Q7-190)) partial occipital plus some
parietal (IPH Q7-191), R petromastoid region (IPH
Q7-22), L temporal (IPH Q7-19), maxilla with com-
plete dentition (IPH Q7-18), and partial mandible
with LM2-RM3 (IPH Q7-17).

IPH Q7-17. Partial mandible, with partial corpora,
LM2-RM3. Symphyseal region almost entirely
complete to inferior border; very tall s/i and broad
from side to size. Corpora diverge strongly posteriorly.
Some damage in alveolar region; apparently there was
a subalveolar depression between Cs with a low,
broad, teardrop-shaped bulge beneath. No inferior
marginal tubercles or “corners.” Viewed from below,
symphyseal region not thicker than bone to either side
of it. Internally, almost no postincisal plane; profile of
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