The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

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root of zygomatic arch does not smoothly grade into
inferior margin of zygomatic arch, which, like supe-
rior margin, appears to have been horizontal. No
demarcation between temporal and infratemporal
fossae, or between anterior and posterior parts of
these fossae.
Squamosal portion of temporal is tall s/i and quite
small. Posterior root of zygomatic arch originates over
auditory meatus. Articular fossa a/p constricted, lies
behind a tall articular eminence, and was not bounded
by a large medial articular (entoglenoid) tubercle.
Vaginal process probably ran length of ectotympanic
tube (area broken bilaterally).
Broken L petromastoid region reveals pneumatiza-
tion but not with large air cells. On R, mastoid process
is narrow and downward pointing. Mastoid notch
moderately broad, narrow, with no pronounced digas-
tric fossa behind. Paramastoid crest is small and poste-
riorly placed. No occipitomastoid or Waldeyer’s crests.
Supramastoid crest low and upwardly curving. Pari-
etomastoid suture short. Lambdoid suture arcs up from
asterion to peak at lambda. Occipital plane tall, trian-
gular, and rounded in side view except for a shallow,
narrow transverse depression between relatively anterior
superior and inferior nuchal lines. Midline area of
external occipital protuberance missing.
Especially on L, petrosal bears a prominent arcu-
ate eminence and a superior petrous sinus that ran at
least as far as this feature. Subarcuate fossa closed ofG
region depressed.
Palate short, deep, with sharply sloping front and
sides; no midline torus. Incisive foramen large, ante-
riorly positioned. Anterior teeth have large crowns
even relative to substantial posterior crowns; anterior
tooth roots are stout and fairly short. Both upper 11s
and 12s quite broad. 11s crenulated, somewhat con-
cave, not even faintly shoveled. 12s barrel-like at
bases. Cs quite small; bear small anterior and poste-
rior foveae lingually. P1 slightly larger than P2; both
are simple bicuspids. P1 paracone and protocone less
buccally placed than on P2. LM3 somewhat mal-
formed. On R, molars decrease in size from Ml to
M3. All Ms have relatively large hypocones, some-
what truncated metacones, and small, laterally con-
stricted talon basins; no pronounced postcingulum.
Trigon basins shallow; invaded by bases of surround-
ing cusps. M1 has large Carabelli’s cusp; M2, a
Carabelli’s pit. Metacone decreases in height from
M1 to M3. Molar roots not greatly splayed; enamel
surfaces wrinkled.

Mandible. Corpus tall s/i, quite narrow; deepens
somewhat anteriorly. Front of jaw quite continuously
and pronouncedly curved from side to side. Symphyseal
area broken in area of midline keel, but bone preserved
on either side of midline clearly curving outward.
Mental “trigon” apparently was present as evidenced by
an inferiorly increasing b/l thickening of symphyseal
region. Bone below anterior teeth presents a modest
but long subalveolar depression. From below, on L,
bone of corpus is thinner than bone of symphyseal
region. Postincisal plane was rather vertical, descending
to a fairly deep genial pit. Down- wardly facing
digastric fossae shallow, somewhat m/l wide, and not
very large. Inferior marginal tubercles absent. Mental
foramen lies beneath P2. No retro-molar space. Ramus
rather small in comparison to corpus and teeth. Gonial
region bears few markings either externally or
internally. Gonial angle curves rather sharply. On the
L, a long, deep mylohyoid groove descends from
(broken) mandibular foramen. Coronoid process rises
slightly above condyle. Sigmoid notch deepest at
midpoint. As seen on R, sigmoid notch crest runs to
lateral extremity of condyle. No pronounced mylohyoid
line or submandibular fossa.
Lower teeth large, especially the morphologically
nondescript, slightly lingually concave Is and Cs. I
crowns curve back and do not angle at neck. Pl
slightly smaller than P2 b/l and m/d; both are rela-
tively longer m/d than wide b/l on R the LP2 is
more ovoid. Preserved RP1 protoconid is long m/d
and somewhat compressed b/l, and much taller than
lingual shelf around its base. P2s have distinct meta-
conid opposite centrally placed protoconid, which has
a thick crest on its lingual surface. Molars decrease in
size from M1 to M3, are quite rounded in occlusal
outline, and lack trigonid basins. Ms have moderately
large hypoconids whose bases extend across midline
of crown, buccally placed hypoconulids, shallow,
filled-in talonid basins, and wrinkled enamel. On
M1 is a buccal notch between hypoconulid and
hypoconid. M3 has two distinct roots, which bifur-
cate fairly low.

Qufieh 11. Fairly complete adolescent cranium
reconstructed from many pieces. It lacks malar, inferior
orbital, and zygomatic regions, and all of sphenoid; i.e.,
it is missing most of face except for maxilla. M2s in,
M3 crowns formed. Age more than 12 years, possibly
about 14. Traumatic lesion (infected compression
fracture) on frontal. Mandible largely complete, missing
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