The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


mental foramen under P2. Lingual surfaces of Is and
C unadorned. P1 slightly larger than P2. P1 had
anterior and posterior foveae, both totally enclosed.
Symphyseal region not interpretable.

Morph 2

Qufieh 1. Frontal bone with part of nasal bones and
frontal process of maxilla attached. Bone fairly thick.
Frontal lacks frontal eminences; frontal sinuses
contained within glabellar area. Forehead does not rise
very sharply in profile. Brow bipartite. Quite promi-
nent alae of the “butterfly” are not confluent across the
somewhat protruding glabella; supraciliary area is flat-
tened laterally. Nasal bones slope downward. Superior
portion of maxillary frontal process would not have
been broad m/l. Anterior portions of temporal lines
quite marked. Coronal suture differentiated. Inter-
nally, crista galli long, thin, flanked by cribriform plate
on both sides. Frontal lobes positioned far forward.
Several Pacchionian depressions on internal surface.
Qufzeh 2. Frontal, with parts of L and R parietals,
nasal bones, and maxillary frontal processes. Also parts
of L and R mandibular corpus: on the L with M1-3,
and on the R with M1 and M3. Bone of frontal less
thick than Qafzeh 1; front of cranium more domed,
with frontal eminences. Supraciliary arch bipartite and
not very protrusive. Alae of “butterfly” confluent across
low glabella, extending only to midpoint of orbit (thus
flat lateral portion quite extensive). L orbit wide, not
very tall s/i. Medial orbital wall not swollen. Frontal
sinuses did not extend far superiorly. Maxillary sinus
invaded maxillary frontal process to just below lacrimal
groove. Nasal bones flex somewhat just below glabella;
keeled in midline. Internally, frontal lobes lie above
orbit. Frontal crest quite marked. Crista galli would
have been situated a bit anterior to cribriform plate.
Coronal suture differentiated; temporal lines moder-
ately marked.
Mandibular fragments not very informative.
Although not massive, they show evidence of a strong
mylohyoid line. Mls very worn. M3s have large, cen-
trally placed hypoconulids; M2 may have also. Based
on M2 and 3, molar trigonid basins were lacking and
talonid basins were restricted by bases of surrounding
cusps. Roots of M2 would have been C shaped, i.e.,
with undivided buccal roots.
Qufzeh 9. Skull (crushed, incomplete, and seri-
ously reconstructed), missing much of cranial base and
L zygomatic arch, plus sections of R and L parietal, R

occipital, and frontal, including glabellar region;
skeleton somewhat incomplete and crushed. Mandible
crushed and distorted, missing small pieces of bone
throughout, especially inferior portion of symphyseal
region and posterior gonial margins, as well as L
condyle; internal aspect of R corpus reconstructed
below teeth. All upper and lower teeth preserved;
moderately worn.

Cranium. Gracile, fairly long a/p, narrow, and nicely
vaulted. Muscle markings generally unpronounced. In
profile, tall frontal rises almost vertically from what
would have been at most a slightly bulbous glabellar
region. Profile arcs back broadly and smoothly to above
region of posterior root of zygomatic arch, then levels
out somewhat to begin its descent above asterion; curves
broadly and smoothly down across lambda to midway
along occiput, whence nuchal plane curves broadly and
smoothly forward. From front, face long and narrow.
From above, long, narrow vault tapers very gently
forward from its widest point (above mastoids) to a
minimal postorbital constriction. Also from above,
supraorbital margins curve gently back from midline.
From behind, cranial profile is narrow, with tall, slightly
bulging side walls that arc up and slightly in to curve
quite tightly across midline.
Superciliary arches definitely bipartite; glabellar
part of butterfly missing, but wings (supraciliary alae)
are moderately prominent and limited to medial sides
of orbits. Lateral flat plane extensive. As seen on L,
frontal sinuses were confined laterally more or less to
region of glabellar butterfly and did not penetrate far
back into frontal. As more accurately preserved on L,
orbital shape was subsquare with rounded corners.
Interorbital region moderately broad. Nasal aperture
relatively wide, pear shaped. Maxillary frontal
processes broaden substantially inferiorly to midpoint
of nasal aperture. Nasal bones would have been down-
wardly sloping. Region of anterior nasal spine miss-
ing; there was no spinal crest, and a single inferior
nasal margin crest descends to beneath where spine
would have been. Anterior part of horizontal concha1
crest preserved; starts fairly far back in nasal cavity
and lies quite low. Nasoalveolar clivus moderately
long, anteriorly inclined, forming moderately tight
curve from side to side.
Anterior plane of zygoma inclined posteriorly
(indicating that a canine fossa was present) and faces
forward. Zygoma is “cornered,” although its degree of
flare is undeterminable. Inferior margin of anterior
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