The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


small auditory meatus; laterally it does not project
much from braincase. Zygomatic arches may not have
flared strongly.
As seen on both sides, temporal ridges emerge low
behind supraorbital tori and run more or less straight
back but are not preserved posteriorly. Anterior
squamosal suture probably cornered into the moderately
sized temporal fossa, partitioning it into anterior and
posterior compartments. Squamosal may have been
quite long. As apparently preserved on the R, parietal
notch is pronounced; it forms a right angle with the
modest horizontal parietomastoid suture behind. Artic-
ular fossae apparently wide dl; each is bounded medi-
ally by a moderate median articular tubercle (did not
fully close off fossa). As preserved on the R, anterior
wall of fossa arcuate and not very tall. Both fossae mod-
erately shallow, long a/p; their low, sloping posterior
walls are formed by the ectotympanic tubes. Vaginal
processes are apparently only prominent and peaked
around the region of the medially placed styloid
processes. Ectotympanic tubes apparently not My ossi-
fied laterally. Posterior roots of zygomatic arches appar-
ently flow into less laterally pronounced suprameatal
crests that continue into only slightly upwardly sweep-
ing, low, posteriorly broadening supramastoid crests
overhanging the mastoid processes below.
Mastoid processes apparently quite compressed
m/l (thus laterally very thin) and seem to bear long,
somewhat upwardly oriented mastoid tubercles. Mas-
toid notches apparently very deep and wide, flowing
into short, posteriorly opening digastric fossae. Very
tall, thick, a/p long crests lie medial to mastoid
notch; subequal in height to moderately projecting
mastoid processes. On the R, it appears this crest lies
right along occipitomastoid suture. Low but distinct
Waldeyer’s crests lie medial to these apparent occipit-
omastoid crests and extend more posteriorly.
Anterior lambdoid suture long. Rounded, mildly
bulging occipital was apparently quite wide but may
not have been very tall s/i; is undercut by the relatively
alp long nuchal plane. A large, shallow, centrally posi-
tioned suprainiac depression has been reported to be
present (Trinkaus, 1983). Occipital plane wide, bearing
wide, shallow sulcus (right below ridge-like superior
nuchal line) that seems to extend almost from ast-
erion to asterion, straight across midline. No true
occipital torus. Foramen magnum long and oval.
Occipital condyles relatively large and moderately nar-
row; lie quite far forward on foramina1 margin. Basioc-
ciput apparently quite broad posteriorly and anteriorly

tapering. Palate quite long and deep, with tight curve
across front and somewhat divergent tooth rows.
Mandible heavily reconstructed; lacks tips of
coronoid processes. Corpora moderately tall s/i but
rather thin m/l. Symphyseal region broadly arced
across; devoid of morphology except in region around
tooth roots. Inferior margin of symphyseal region ele-
vated relative to margin of corpus posterior to it; ele-
vation begins at thickened inferior marginal tubercles
lying below large mental foramina level with Mls.
Postincisal plane descends steeply below incisors;
beneath is a region with a shallow pit. On the R, di-
gastric fossa is wide m/l, moderately excavated, and
downwardly facing. On both corpora, mylohyoid line
apparently strongly developed, with very deep sub-
mandibular fossa below. Anterior root of the a/p long
ramus apparently originated below M3s. Anterior
margin of ramus curves upward. Retromolar space
very long. Broadly rounded gonial angle is truncated
posteriorly, quite thin inferiorly. As seen on the R,
medial pterygoid tubercle large. Mandibular foramina
apparently faced up and back. Behind M3s, internal
alveolar crests quite pronounced, running to region in
front of mandibular foramen. On the R, deepest point
of sigmoid notch lies at its midpoint; on the L, it is
close to base of condyle. On both sides, sigmoid notch
crests lie opposite midpoint of condyle; crests expand
without contacting condyles.
Teeth appear to be small relative to size of jaws;
very heavily worn, all along tooth rows.

Shanidar 5
Cast of fragmentary and heavily reconstructed face
and frontal with partial left temporal and some vault
fragments. Some weathering of surface and local
Skull would have been large, with large midface
but relatively small lower face. Bone appears moder-
ately thick. In profile, glabella is swollen; projects
slightly anteriorly beyond nasion. Posttoral plane
moderately steep; domed frontal rises fairly gently
from it. Judging from less distorted R side, about
halfway up the frontal the profile curves gently back
and appears to have continued rising posteriorly
beyond bregma. Also in profile, nasal bones curve
strongly outward; together with alp elongate frontal
processes below, they produce a somewhat projecting
snout. Face below nasal bones is quite vertical in pro-
file. From front, brows flow smoothly out from broad
glabellar region. As seen on the R, face is narrow
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