The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

s HA N I D A K 351

across orbits; broadest point is across zygomatico-
maxillary sutures. Also from front, on the R, anterior
root of zygomatic arch arose quite close to alveolar
margin, probably over region of MU2. From here
root angles steeply up and out. Seen from above,
swollen glabellar region protruded slightly anterior to
gently laterally retreating tori. Postorbital constriction
very modest. Also from above, it appears that walls of
braincase had sloped only gently inward from their
rather posterior broadest point.
Coronal profile as preserved indicates that top of
cranium was broadly and smoothly curved from side to
side. Supraorbital tori are moderately thick s/i as they
emerge from the glabellar region; they taper gently lat-
erally before turning down to meet zygomas. Orbital
roofs very concave, forming a blunt but angular border
with toral surfaces. Orbits “aviator glasses”-shaped. On
both sides, medially placed supraorbital notch very
wide and extremely shallow. Seen from above, notch
emphasizes swollen glabellar region. Toral surfaces
smoothly rolled; flow superiorly into moderately long
posttoral planes. Posttoral planes slightly more hori-
zontal than postglabellar plane. On both sides, crisp
temporal ridges emerge from high up behind zygo-
matic process of frontal, fading out rapidly as they run
back and steeply up. Inferior part of glabellar region
indicates a very broad interorbital space. Nasal bones
curve out strongly from below nasion, broadening
markedly toward ends; strongly and broadly curved
from side to side. Superior portions of frontal
processes indented on either side of nasal bones. More
anteriorly, toward nasal margin, frontal processes puff
out. Nasal cavity surfaces in these areas concave.
Maxilla is puffed out at infraorbital margins. L
side has one large infraorbital foramen and R side has
two; these lie well below infraorbital margin. On the
R, body of zygoma faces entirely laterally; L zygoma
faces anterolaterally. Preserved L part of zygomatic
arch very thin s/i; apparently ran fairly straight back-
ward, enclosing small temporal fossa.
Nasal aperture was huge. Preserved inferiorly on the
R is what appears to be a tiny part of a prenasal fossa.
Large portions of what had been fairly prominent and
expansive medial projections are preserved within the
nasal cavity on both sides. On the R is a faint indication
of a turbinal crest descending from medial projection.
Preserved further behind projection is the anterior part
of a long lacrimal canal that may have been partially
closed over. Floor of nasal cavity appears flat. Anteriorly
on R, nasal spine seems to have been anteriorly project-

ing. Nasoalveolar clivus quite vertical and only moder-
ately long; bears impressions of tooth roots. Appears
that anterior tooth roots were not very bulky or long.
Squamosal short a/p, tall s/i, with very strong
superior arc. Posterior root of zygomatic arch takes
origin in front of auditory meatus; extends minimally
laterally, but a moderate shelf extends anteriorly over
lateral extent of articular fossa and eminence. Behind,
the posterior root flows into a distinct but low and
concave suprameatal crest that flows upward directly
into the low, mounded, supramastoid crest. Supramas-
toid crest is separated by a shallow sulcus from lateral
side of mastoid process. Articular fossa shallow, mod-
erately long dp, moderately wide m/l, and bounded
by large, freestanding medial articular tubercle. Ante-
riorly, articular eminence low. Posterior wall of fossa is
formed by vertical anterior surface of ectotympanic
tube. Tube extends fully laterally; inferiorly, bone is
quite thick. Auditory meatus small, ovoid, and verti-
cally oriented. Styloid pit lies very medially along
ectotympanic tube, almost directly behind medial ar-
ticular tubercle; what appears to be a thin styloid
process is partially preserved in a moderately large sty-
loid pit. Medial to this is much of what would have
been a tall, sheet-like vaginal process lying along mid-
line of ectotympanic tube. Lateral to styloid pit, what
appears to be a continuation of the vaginal process is
rather low, extending to edge of tube while staying
slightly separated from mastoid process. Stylomastoid
foramen lies slightly posterior and moderately lateral
to styloid pit, in line with mastoid notch. What is pre-
served of mastoid process shows it was very long a/p
but very compressed at its tip laterally; tip did not ex-
tend significantly beyond cranial base. Lateral surface
of process fairly flat and rugose. At preserved anterior
end, mastoid notch quite open but tapers rapidly
posteriorly to narrow V-section.
Palate was relatively small, parallel sided, with
moderately strong curve across front. Incisive foramen
relatively large; lies level with region of Pls and just
above region of 11s. Front of palate slopes; side walls
become more vertical posteriorly.
Internally, frontal crest is tall and quite robust.
Frontal lobes did not lie My over orbital cones. On the
R is an opening for frontal sinus. Preserved on the L is
a deep, broad groove for anterior branch of middle
meningeal artery, which bifurcates into two branches.
Petrosal broad in its preserved posterior portion; its su-
perior surface bears a low, diffuse mound, with a long
but lower elevation lateral to it. Small portion of groove
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