The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

30 A F R I c A

large and laterally projecting; they overhung smooth
apertures of foramina “lacera” on either side.
As seen on L, middle cranial fossa quite excavated
anteriorly, above level of foramen rotundum as well as
along its floor in region of foramina ovale and
spinosum. Bifurcation of middle branch of middle
meningeal artery lies just at aperture of foramen spin-
osum, with one very thin branch running directly
forward and others posteriorly. What appears to be
the groove for the anterior branch of the middle
meningeal artery (which runs on parietal, parallel to
coronal suture), is a lateral continuation of a groove
emanating from superior orbital fissure (not from
foramen spinosum). Petrosal inadequately preserved
internally, but internal auditory acoustic meatus
anteriorly positioned on its very s/i tall interior part.
As seen from R, judging from alveoli, I1 root
would have been much bulkier than I2 root; both
roots were probably short. From its alveolus, RC root
was longer but more slender than 11. As seen on L, P1
and P2 had two distinct roots for some part of their
length. As also seen on L, it seems that M1-3 (miss-
ing their crowns) may have increased in b/l width
from front to back; as a group, they were probably
relatively small compared to the massive face. Roots of
all three are quite splayed, at least buccally.


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National Museum of Ethiopia, PO Box 76, Addis Ababa,
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