The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


Corpora s/i tall anteriorly and decrease signifi-
cantly in height posteriorly. Width m/l moderate,
thinning inferiorly below molars. Rami long a/p but
relatively short s/i. Curve across front of jaw is moder-
ately broad externally and tighter internally. Cheek
tooth rows are slightly to moderately divergent. In
profile, anterior teeth markedly overhang the s/i tall
and strongly concave external symphyseal surface
(damaged in midline inferiorly and reconstructed inac-
curately to suggest a “chin”). Bone immediately below
incisors and canines is relatively straight across; it
bears impressions of tooth roots. Inferiorly, midline
damaged, especially on the L. On both sides, below
P2/ M1, are distinct, blunt inferior marginal tubercles.
Anterior to tubercles, what little is preserved of infe-
rior margins of corpora becomes slightly elevated,
suggesting that the inferior symphyseal region was it-
self elevated above the general level of the inferior
margins. Bone immediately above and slightly anterior
to tubercles is slightly thickened, and shallow depres-
sions lie above and slightly medial to these thicken-
ings. No trace of a midline keel. Postincisal plane
is long and moderately steep; genial region below is
missing. Moderate single mental foramina lie under
M1 bilaterally. Bone of corpus begins to thicken under
M2, becoming thickest below distal end of M3.
Behind this, as seen on the R, bone thins again drasti-
cally. Anterior root of ramus takes origin below distal
part of M3 and sweeps strongly upward into a distinct
and tall preangular sulcus that is overhung by the s/i
short, a/p moderately long, and somewhat bluntly
tipped coronoid process. Retromolar space large. As
seen on the R, condyle rises only slightly higher than
coronoid process. On the R, sigmoid notch crest runs
to missing lateral side of condyle; on the L, crest is
more medial, running to midline of condylar remnant.
As preserved on the R, sigmoid notch is deepest just
posterior to its midpoint. Gonial region is medially
inflected, cut off, and shows some topography infe-
riorly. Internally, the moderately developed alveolar
crest arcs gently up, broadening posterosuperiorly. On
both sides, series of rugosities culminate superiorly in a
small but distinct medial pterygoid tubercle. Mandibu-
lar foramen is complete and compressed; it faces back
and up. Mylohyoid line is not very distinct, but as seen
on the R, the submandibular fossa below it is deep.
Teeth very worn. Anterior tooth crowns not angled
back on roots. P1 and 2 subequal in size. On P1 is a
remnant of paracristid that runs first mesially from the
protoconid, then turns back toward a lingual swelling,

from which it is separated by a crease. P2 was very well
developed lingually. M1 and 2 too worn for description.
M3 was very large, with a centrally placed hypoconulid.

Tabun Isolated Specimen Series I: Layer B
R adolescent premaxillary fragment with alveoli for Is
and C. Associated upper R teeth C, P1 and 2, and
M2. All HPM N 7453.

Premaxilla. Inferior margin of nasal aperture was
bipartite, with distinct anterior and posterior margins.
Floor of nasal cavity was probably also depressed. R
anterior nasal spine was quite projecting. Incisive
canal was very vertical.

Teeth in Premaxilla. RI1 shoveled. C bears
distinct lingual ridge; lingual surface excavated. P1
has long buccal slope; probably had bifid root tips.
Occlusal surface slightly grooved, wrinkled, with
small but distinct para- and metaconules. Paracone
much taller than metacone. P2 root tips not fully
formed; roots grooved on distal surface. Crown
wrinkled and grooved; bears distinct paraconule and
double metaconule. M2 roots just forming; crown
fresh. Enamel deeply wrinkled. Paracone larger and
more distended buccally than metacone. Protocone
quite inwardly placed, constricting trigon. Trigon
and talon basins quite distinct and separated by
strong postprotocrista.

Isolated Teeth Overview. Upper Is: unworn teeth
typically tall, narrow, concave lingually, and often
shoveled. Upper molariforms: deeply wrinkled enamel;
distinct trigon and talon basins separated by strong
postprotocrista. Lower molariforms: some to deep
enamel wrinkling; distinct, deep, small trigonid basins.

Tabun Isolated Specimen Series I1

HPM N 7455. Miscellaneous specimens from more
than two individuals. Locality said to be Chimney I1
(except for LRI2, apparently not here, said to be from
Layer B).
RI’: unerupted (partial root). Although concave
lingually, not classically shoveled. LI1: incisive edge
partially worn. Not shoveled or even partially con-
cave lingually. Root short. RP’: slightly worn. Bul-
bous para- and metaconules. No wrinkling. Two
short roots, partially separated. M1: has only four
cusps; two distinctly separate roots. Crown mini-
mally wrinkled. Talonid basin somewhat truncated;
trigonid basin tiny but deep and distinct. R upper
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